Monthly Archives: June 2014

Confirmation Of Things; 1 of 3 Americans Have RFID Chip Implanted~Oh No!


This message is from 278pikelk You Tube user and when I listened to this today, well, I almost fell off the couch, again!  It matches what I just spoke about in the last video posts about how those that are left will be led to the Lord via us and what we leave for them (our joy, love, faith, etc).  She shares and speaks a message so similar that you know it can only come truly from the Lord.

Study Finds 1 in 3 Americans Have Been Implanted With RFID Chips: Most Unaware – See more by clicking on the link above.

<National Report> Scientists at the Wyoming Institute of Technology (WIT) have determined that a shocking 1 in 3 Americans has been implanted with an RFID microchip.  In an article published this week, they detail a study of nearly 3000 individuals, in which they identified nearly 1000 individuals that had been implanted with an RFID chip.  Most were unaware that they had been implanted with such a chip.  This finding comes amongst increasing predictions that RFID chip implantation will become common place in the next decade.

Lead scientist on the study, John Brugle, Ph.D. offered the following:


We were motivated to perform this study by all of the public interest in RFID implantation and fears that it would be common place.  It turns out, in fact, that it is already common place.  We found that a shockingly high number of Americans are carrying RFID implants in their body.  The overwhelming majority of these individuals were completely unaware that they had been implanted.  I hope that this study causes us to take pause as a society and truly consider the ramifications and implications of human RFID implantation.

The study looked both at the prevalence of RFID implantation, as well as the common implantation locations.  In addition to commonly known implantation sites, such as the back of the hand, they also identified many RFID chips that had been implanted in dental fillings.  The function of the chips varied, but the authors of the study indicated that many revealed personal identities, including social security numbers, as well as medical records.  The best way to determine if you have been implanted with an RFID chip is to consult a qualified medical professional to administer a full body scan with an RFID reader.  Concerned citizens can also attempt a self scan, but civilian grade scanners are not always sensitive enough to detect implanted RFID chips.

– See more at:




Posted by on June 12, 2014 in Uncategorized


JUNE 6th Videos~Our Earthly Lives Are Closing; Disguised Blessings As All Goes Back To The Beginning

I’m so sorry – here are 2 videos that I recorded on June 6, 2014.  I posted them on You Tube but forgot to post them here – forgive me, I was tired!

This video was actually recorded after the video below but you can view it before or after the other and it’s titled “SOMBER TIME SAVED OR NOT; GOD IS TALKING TO US ALL NOW, PLEASE LISTEN!”


It’s time to let the ones who refuse to believe, the spiritually blind and deaf to walk to their places on their platform/podium as they will experience what is to come from their own steps.  Let them walk…

The below video is called “Our Earthly Lives Are Closing; Disguised Blessings As All Goes Back To The Beginning”.

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Posted by on June 11, 2014 in Uncategorized


Refining and Shining in the Garden of God~Yes, Spiritual Attacks Still Occurring To The End

The second video I am posting below is to remind us too that the Spiritual Warfare attacks are still continuing in our lives and will do so until the day Jesus takes His Bride…get used to it!  This is why He blessed us with His Teaching of the Tools – so use them each and every day.  This is a major, very important piece to our Heavenly Armor we need while on this earth because remember, we do not fight flesh and blood but principalities, darkness and evil that never cease in their plots to steal or destroy the Children of the Lord.  But…remember that our Father in Heaven who sits on His Throne, has a very special place in His Garden for those that overcome what was allowed in their earthly lives and God places their highly polished bronze or gold etched stone brick in the center of His path  where He walks each day and He sees their name written every day during His walk through His Garden so He can watch and delight in their refining, their endurance and their faith.  Those names that are etched in the bricks of God’s Garden that have be polished and now shine so bright, are the Over-comers, they are our names that God keeps close to His Heart each day He walks in His Garden, His most favorite spot.

I will tell you this my friends…those that have had the most trials, testing, hammering, chiseling, refining in their earthly lives, well, those are them that have had their names etched not only on the stones in God’s Garden, but written and held tight in the Garden of God’s Heart.  Those names that have been polished over and over due to their walk on earth – just think how bright your names shine straight up to God’s Eyes…your name is brought up to Him front and center each morning where He then keeps His Sight upon you, how pleasing is that?  So what I am saying here, after each attack, our names get polished and shined…can you just imagine how bright most of ours are?  WOW!


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Posted by on June 11, 2014 in Uncategorized


Important Time Now~We Leave The Left Behind Jesus’ Love & Joy They Will Remember

Feels like we are all standing in a bit of a “lull” right now, doesn’t it?  I’m very somber, yet peaceful and I know that regardless of what we can see, touch or feel in this dimension, it’s nothing compared to what God is doing in His, our Heavenly dimensional realm that we will dwell in very very soon.  Can you imagine what is taking place there right now?

I have to remind myself that just because I am not privy to the going-on’s in that realm, it doesn’t mean that all the pieces to the puzzle are not being put in place, their exact place.  All events and the people leading those festivities as spoken about in the Bible, must be in their exact positions before the “Event” that starts it off begins as once that Event comes to pass, all the others will follow and fall like a domino effect…it will be the first 6 Seals opening one-after-another so right now, those pieces must be set exactly where God has preordained them – ready to fall at the slightest blow of His Breath.

So, what about us?  What is our job right now, today?  Well, the following video is what I received yesterday…it was crazy!  He told me the importance of “NOW”; the instrumental role of ALL OF US and how without each of us, many would not find Him once the destruction comes,  It was so sweet, I wish I could show you, tell you just how loving those words were…WE ARE LEAVING HIS LOVE HERE ON THIS EARTH FOR THOSE WHO WILL HANG ON TO IT, FOLLOW IT WHEN THEY HAVE NOTHING ELSE!  It is our kindness, joy, love, belief, compassion, mercy and faith in Jesus that our lost family members and friends, even strangers, will bring front and center in their mind when all the chaos starts and they have no where to turn…they turn to the “Love” we left them; they remember the “Mercy” we showed them; they remember the “Joy” we gleamed with; they remember the “Faith” we walked and lived in…wow, that is some pretty awesome words to take-in right now, isn’t it?  This my friends, is what you will do for the Kingdom of Heaven!  When fear wants to overtake them in the coming days, many will stand strong in their new-found footing in Christ because they saw you stand there many many times, never wavering and they will speak lovingly, leading others just as they saw you do to them and so on.  Our actions, our words and our faith that surround and fill us, will be the same “tools” those that are left behind will keep close to their hearts, using them in the future as they find their way home to the Lord and to us.  How wonderful is the Lord that He has allowed us to be apart of this time?  Never think you are not doing enough or ministering enough that it makes you feel sad, bad or less a Christian than your neighbor or friend, you are not….you are right where the Lord has placed you and right where He needs you to be!

Lastly, I remind myself each day that Jesus is truly “Love”; He is LOVE and if He is in us, we too are Love and when people see us, they should see Him which is what…LOVE!  We leave the lost of this world what is most important of all – love as Jesus is “Love Coming Down”!



Posted by on June 11, 2014 in Uncategorized


Baby Oh Baby-Yes, She Was Worth The Wait! See My Blessing From The Lord!





Boy, things sure have changed since I had my 3 children!  I was so impressed with how today’s moms-to-be have the privilege of by-passing most of the hard, excruciating labor pains that millions of mothers before them had to endure as epidurals were not an option!  These women, even in the hardest moments of labor when their contractions are less than a minute apart, are smiling as their baby is about to be born!  Wow!

My daughter had to finally give in and allow her medical staff to wheel her into the OR so little Miss Trey-Olivia could be born via C-Section, and Grandma Mary Beth was allowed to be part of the team and yes, I did get to see this beautiful “Gift” from God be born and yes, I did get to cut her cord…and yes, I offered this baby to the Lord and asked for God’s Blessing upon her.  What a thing to witness…what a true miracle I witnessed as when you are the one doing the delivering, you don’t get the chance or opportunity to see birth without the pain memory/experience…you get to see only God’s Divine Hand in it all!

My precious little granddaughter Trey-Olivia was perfect just as I knew she would be…thank you Jesus!  She weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz. and was 19″ long.  Her head is covered with the most beautiful black thick hair, just as her mother’s before her was.  We are just over-the-moon in joy, love and “family”.  Here are a few pictures (just a few out of 700 that were taken) so everyone can see what has been taking me out of circulation these past weeks!  I warn you, you may fall-in-love with this little face…I’m just saying.

Thank you to all my dear friends, my family here and on You Tube for all the well-wishes as they have truly meant the world to me.  Thank you all my sisters and brothers-in-Christ for allowing me to be part of your lives and you mine.  The Lord Jesus surely brought us together.

Mary Beth, Friend of Heaven

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Posted by on June 3, 2014 in Uncategorized


Welcome Home Baby; Ministering At The Hospital God’s Way; MICHAEL IS AT THE DOOR!

“Michael Is At The Door”; How I Taught Strangers To Use Their Tools at Hospital


Let The Ugly Hearts Walk to Their Platforms To Do Their Worse & Play With Demons


Taking Jesus Off The Pages~People Looking For God Everywhere But Can’t See Him


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Posted by on June 2, 2014 in Uncategorized


Sharing Some Heavenly Help, Common Sense and Sharing the Tools for NOW

Hearing From Abba

Lessons, visions and dreams from Abba - My personal journey

Sharing Some Heavenly Help, Common Sense and Sharing the Tools for NOW

My Jesus Blog

"For GOD So Loved The World, HE Gave HIS Only Begotten Son, That Who So Ever Belived In HIM, Shall Be Saved"... John 3:16


Daily Thoughts and Meditations as we journey together with our Lord.

Bon's Blog - Hearing from God

Sharing Some Heavenly Help, Common Sense and Sharing the Tools for NOW

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging News

The latest news on and the WordPress community.