The Snake, the Beast, the Animal, the Man and the Bird…these are Mankind.

What’s it all about?  The past, present and the future, what do these “times” hold within their walls of history?  Where do we fit in?  Does our life and the lives of our family fit in there and if so, why can’t we figure it out, see it for what it really is or better yet, for what it was to be?  I’m going to give it my best shot here as to what is truly a gift, a divine GIFT that THE FATHER in His Perfect Love/Truth has allowed to be given as one huge Heavenly Breadcrumb of understanding.  (I haven’t been able to explain what I know to be true as I can only share in words what I have no descriptive voice for, no color palette to reference from.)


He’s made me experience it all. I know why. I don’t like it, but I accept it and I’ve taken what He allowed me to “glean” from each “moment” I was humbled. My heart is my measure as again, that was my childhood prayer – to have a pure heart so I could see the Face of God. He yanks you from the world where Pride keeps you away from truly hearing and seeing “What it’s all about!”. Money. Having the heart to help anyone in need, doing what I thought was the “right-thing-to-do” because I did have the means, so I could help. But it was deeper, it’s like I looked for people that needed help as they always found me, or me them. Now, I’m judged for that, that’s the justified judgment of “Well, you know, she had all that money…”. Guess what? I would do it ALL AGAIN!!

That’s what we battle within, compassion & empathy vs everything else. Love covers a multitude of sins the Bible says. I believe that because the Kingdom of the Father Jesus spoke of, is Love. Knowing when to listen to your heart over your head & vice-versa, this is where it gets tricky. Justified judgment. We use our mind to review the “facts” we think we know about situations around and in our life. That’s what we do to ease our heart that is feeling the weight of the situation at that moment in time. We don’t want that dross of guilt to fill us so we try to split the emotional and mental distress to balance out the scales so we don’t carry that constant nagging feeling of right and wrong. Maybe this will shed a little light on why all that matters now:

THE AUGUST 21, 2017 ECLIPSE – THE 70 TOTALITY IS A NATION and that was a Total Eclipse of the Sun/Son. He opened up the Heartland, the Hearts of those who came from those He sent to found His Nation, His Promised Land, all One under God. The 50 States together, in their “united state”, is a True Pentecost. Coast to Coast. The trail it took in it’s 70 mile wide totality, was releasing what the 7 Salem’s held. He was opening the 7 Seals of the 7 Sons. It was a time of opening the Tombs of buried Truth. This is almost the exact pattern/trail the First Families here traveled to find their joyful peace, through the freedom promised. No chains, period. What’s the first thought when you think of chains? Slavery. If it manifested into the natural as history shows, it was spoken about, put into action & movement, long before the United States of America became a Nation. They knew ahead of time. They were always 5 steps ahead. They knew HOW MANY PEOPLE were going to “that Promise Land” and they knew exactly what the people expected, per their day dreams, misty eyed visions spoken out-loud and noted them all. But because they now needed to be the one all would run to, need in their “journey” crossing the waters so-to-speak, role of “Bad King/Queen”, an Oppressor, now had and would become, the helping hand, and friend for humanity. Here, that would be the Church & the Winchesters. It, or they, already had a 5 card flush (held by both the right and left) “unbeatable” hand. The game was rigged as they say. As time went by, this heritage was passed down almost like a badge of honor.


This country changed many of men, women and children. This country was a tough tough soil to till. This country has every blood type of All Origins in her veins, her tunnels, her dirt.

This is where tough men cried, the ice around his heart melted, his pride fell in moments of genuine heartfelt love because he at that moment in time, was PROUD of himself for doing the right thing. He did a good thing. These quiet moments acquired during a time when trust and a man’s word were 50/50, is what began lifting their scales, their Walls of Jericho were falling. Integrity mattered. Thumbs up.

TRAIL OF TEARS CONTINUED…spilling on that trail – they’re ruts like stoned-rock earthenware the people can’t stop walking on, or between on that Path to Heaven on Earth. There’s a reason, a very good reason. God had to leave His Footprint. What is just the mold of His Foot, is our hills and valleys, monuments and tombs. In these, He changed the Hearts of His Children in His Footprint, His Image…That’s why He comes on the heels of a praying man.

These families were building their name in goodness, their brand in kindness, their legacies in Love. But remember, on the other side of the water, these are the same people they ran from – family “Rulers” or carriers of Law. The Noble “ones”. Every “realm” sent teams into every “crevice”. It must be a “controlled” outcome, hence why the Bible is Patterns. Parables. Signs. Then, there are Wonders, which to me, are the answers. It’s what’s inside all of us. The Wonder of You.

The Origins of all major religions practiced in the United States, THE Church of Christ, took the same path from East to West as that August 21, 2017 Great American Total Eclipse, but in reverse direction. West to East. These are those that named the towns Salem. These are 7 rooted places of Truth, via the Trail of Tears. Each holding a Wonder, a Sign, a Parable of the Pattern. Their branches named counties and states. It’s our ancestors. It’s our 23 & Me. This is why our Family Trees are of such importance to them. They’ve always kept track since the ships began to sail.

These are all Trails of Tears.

Where were the points that the most tears where shed, together? How much sweat was poured out after being pounded by the elements trying to burn you, freeze you, soak you and then hang you up so the wind can blow you? This is exactly what happened at the Cross when Jesus died.

The wind blew His blood and His water…his Sweat & Tears, HIS Heart & Soul. These are how you know who is The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. We all walk that Trail of Tears and are pounded by the elements. It’s what we have blowing in the wind that matters.

There’s a New Wind now and after you’ve experienced your own “realm” of blood, sweat & tears, as it may be mental caused by the physical elements you battled to see and reach, what you were Promised, in your dream or vision, your tunneled vision. Does it match the beauty that drove you to find it? Was it worth the red blood, white tears and blue bloods (nerves of steel) shed in your life? Now you know why the American Flag waves Red, White and Blue.

This story could end as they had planned, controlling the needs of those they thought were free, and in the end, found out the Good Guy, was really the Bad Guy. No, not this time!

The New Wind came…Old Glory, His Glory, the Good stay Good, the Bad will now experience their own “shedding” of their own blood, their own sweat and their own tears and they too will have their proud/pride moments, as all tough guys do. But at the end of it ALL, whatever The Magnificent 7 unveiled, revealed, opened or sealed shut, that will be the direction their New Wind blows.

There will not be anymore “Elements” allowed to pound the Heartland, us. Our Humanity will be seen in our ability to love, trust and rebuild what the enemy destroyed. That’s the moment you have True Pride in the Hand that led you, fed you and lifted you up. It’s your Hand that is upon your land. It’s His Land. It’s a “Holy” Land. We are the Daughter of the Spirit & the Soul of this Land. It’s our True Patriot Pride via our True Pilgrim’s Pride that made man’s word, his handshake, his promises like an Oak Tree…it was Good. The Pride of the Yankees! He can rest under the Shade Tree of Protection under all his Branches.

SIDE NOTE: This is why Alaska is 49, cold and 50, is Hawaii, a warm sunny Paradise; the Main “Pearl Harbor”. This is why Hawaii was hit with Dew. It was to open the eyes of those living in Paradise. Both sides. Whatever lies in that land, the Hawaiian Land, they were trying to close something that will forever remain open, or open something that had been closed. True Aloha. Hello and goodbye. A door to Paradise of coming and going as you please, I suppose.

Godspeed. Love to all!

Mary Beth, your Friend of Heaven


Posted by on November 28, 2023 in Uncategorized


Mano e Mano time…brother to brother. One.

Mono e mono” is an error caused by mishearing the Spanish expression mano e mano which means not “man-to-man” but “hand-to-hand,” as in hand-to-hand combat: one on one.

mono e mono | Common Errors in English Usage and More

Does mano mean bro in Spanish?

(Mano literally means hand, but it is short for hermano, which means brother!)

Take a seat

What point am I trying to make? What have I said for the past few years now about “The Scriptures” the “Bible” is layered, full of descriptions and words, telling multiple stories at the same time, just different “heights”. The words we assume we know the true definitions of – what that word truly meant or means today. Wrong. Vowels give letters movement, birthing a new word but clearly founded in the original “root” when it was 1st birthed into being. It was all Lost in Translation. Take the word above representing “One-on-One”; as I’ve said the Bible is for each individual, mono e mono (man-to-man) and it’s their “How To Get Home Manual”. We have not yet reached the “Grouped Level” of Christ Consciousness – where all are truly One in the Father, the SOURCE OF ALL CREATION!

When a word is reborn let’s say, it is either raised up higher or it’s placed in a lower translated state. It receives less light. In this, it can’t be seen and known, thereby forever in the shadows because it’s a light now actually caught in the darkness, which is its own shadow. This is how all forms of communication God released out into and upon the world. God always made a way for it to rise up, be known and made good, just as He said nothing would return back void…all will be made good.

Dig deep and find this Goodness.

All things will be known regardless of the mistranslations. That’s what that means. Take out all the “Middlemen” that stand in the way of Truth, you have mano a mano (brother to brother) or emono emono (which means monkey, ape). Apes today are what? Financial Wizards. See how fast that changed movement, meaning? Remember the million times I said “Do your own HOMEWORK!” throughout my videos I’ve made since 2013? I do. Go to THE ORIGINS…OF WORDS. Words are the only power the enemy has…have you figured that out yet? Words is what the world is made of and was birthed from.

Today, people don’t have a clue what the words coming out of their mouths mean. They truly don’t. People need to stop speaking in ignorance which pounds that word trying to sprout in the light, back down into the dark, wanting its true meaning – to never be known. They are purposely hiding it from the people as they must be “The Middleman” during the growth period so the Man in the Middle may be seen. Self is the Mad Man. It wants to control every aspect of our lives. These are your Kingdoms of Heaven or Heavenly Kingdoms. They rose up in the Golden Era and became gods to the outside world. Why? They controlled the Mandibles or the Able Man. Mandates. That matters. They set the groundwork and became the original manipulators of what a word means vs what it can be made to mean. Ads. The world’s first “Casters” of a word, spells you could call them now. That’s what they were and that is what they did, they “Put a Spell on You”.

THE MEDIA is The Prince of Persia, The Medes – The Meds

Media as we know Media to be, has roots and it’s time for those roots to be pulled.

The First was called an Announcer. They announced whatever the owner was paying them, to make an official announcement: First Caster of Spells.

Then, the Second was called a Newscaster, then Anchor Man. He anchored the words into the hearts and minds of those receiving his “news”. His words then led to the “very broad-casting” which they took flight from, began making these “Broadcasters” & they were able to hit the masses broad and world wide.

Now, we have Hosts…they “host” all the spells spoken via those spoken by the ones who went before them, embedding their scripted movie role lines into once again, the hearts and minds of men. Movies. Film. Radio. Records. All were made to control another’s mind, option, out-look, etc. and make it into one that works throughout their agendas. These things, never forget, originated from a “Good” place and only deteriorated into the darkness, from once again, words. The contracts they signed keeping them in chains, is due to the words in that contract they gave their “Mark” (X) to on the dotted line! As they unknowingly cast spells this way, they become owned by the enemy, the Media. The Meds. The Metaverse? Thank God for Metadata – it’s what’s confirming pictures today – whether what the world is being shown is real or fake. See how God changed that one?

Man corrupts the Word. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is images-56.jpg

Man has become lost in his own translation. Flesh is Self, Ego, Man. God is Love – Spirit. Man’s word’s will be raised up into the light and be made known to the world. Man wants to be famous and here is how he is known, via words. You get what you ask for, don’t forget. If you can’t take a word(s) up into that Spiritual level of understanding, watching them rise up off the dead pages written by man but given life via the Father, you are forever hearing only in the darkness of the night which is a fearful place to walk. I never forget that the most precious objects, call them treasures of man, lie in a stored place usually somewhere in the dark. Ironic isn’t it? Words birth words…add the “l” (seen as an i or L) and you get World. Words birthed The World, hence why now, we have the Dimension Series of everything now available. #Dominion #Dominate This has made a very wide gate as both good and bad is allowed in so the King can decide their fate. King James (James the double-minded man) took total dominion over The Word of God and became the Middleman who played God/gods as they chose how words were printed and distributed to the people in every language. If the Lord, or King, raises James up, his words, making them right by the Light shown upon them, original meaning, then these Scriptures will hold no falsehoods as in the Spirit, they are made good.

It’s not about what you put into your mouth, it’s what comes out of it that matters, now you know why.

This is the time of Paul; he was taught by God, just the two of them. Cut out the “Middlemen” in your life. This includes any earthly teacher/pastor/preacher keeping his position in the 50-Shades of Gray Zone, the layers of words contracted or urbanized (legal/illegal/the ‘ish’ area) – rising up or down within the Midway of the World, as they find a way to make it work so the Mad Men can rise from the Middle-Class roots and into the Midtown Penthouse view. This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is images-60.jpg

There should be no mid-way to God; go all the way up, bypassing the mid-section of all things standing between/before you and The Creator Source.

Above, that is The Father within the Right Brain reaching out for His Son. Able-man reaching out to the “Can-do” man. The Finger of God is reaching to the Left Hand to spark the Divine Heavenly Knowledge & Wisdom it holds even at the tips of his fingers. The Spark leads man to find what God already gave, His Light, His Love, His Life. When He breathed Life into A-dam-man, He went into the Darkness. His Light gave us Life therefore He Himself, went dark, awaiting the Hearts of His Creation to ignite His already given Spark, and to release His Glory Light hidden within all that are of Him. One-on-One.

It’s a true Eclipse of the Heart.

Don’t lose faith. Don’t lose hope. It’s Darkest before the Dawn because God has to finish His Good Work. He goes DEEP to pull all He sees from the pit of darkness only He can reach, pulling out all redeemable attributes He sees, hears, feels and finds. He is the FEE FI FOO FUM…smelling the blood, the essence of the souls He brings up and out into the Light of the World. So, when Dawn finally arrives, the Sun/Son’s beams of Light, radiate the full Glory of The Father, making all things Good, nothing returned void. Nothing.

Godspeed. Love to all!

Mary Beth Jacob, your Friend of Heaven…See you soon!


Finding the True Heart of God; Love Yourself and Others and then you’ll Know the Truth which lays in the Treasure Chest of God’s Heart, You

*I did a typical Mary Beth “I forgot to hit the send button” and I just found this little Gem so I’m posting it for the first time today, May 27, 2023, even though it was written on January 23, 2023. My bad.*

This was typed out – just flowed really – as I was trying to think how to thank someone that has given me a Gift of All Gifts, Words. Those words set me free, surely they are Truth. You took me from crayons to perfume. To Erin, with love.

For Erin, Sparrowcloud9 for without her words – I could not have heard His TRUE Story speaking through them. I’ve always been with her from beginning to end, the majority being in the silence of the shadows I had to dwell in, the illuminated Sparrow constantly eating off her plate, or receiving it from the Dove. It was always me being passed “food” from your table to theirs, with one always making sure to send my way, a plateful. I’m the deer on the cliff of the Mountain waiting to help you climb up and over it’s top. The “Umph”.

I’ll see you soon my friend. Thank you for walking on that water without realizing you were walking on The Water. Layers and layers beyond the depths and heights of one’s imagination and mind is right there, right in front of you, seven-fold to one hundred-fold, treasure upon treasure have been written by your hand. Will you truly know your Blessing? I pray that you do and see the Wonders you’ve written and released through your joy and gladness, but also in your pain and hurt. You’ve written a Master Piece.

The Gift given is so great it’s hard to hold within. Thank you for allowing me to tag along, at your table, the Food you received and shared, every crumb was accounted for and each with their own filling “taste”. Each dream you shared was a full banquet, each a feast within within The Feast. I learned to “Sup” with Him as I was eating a lot of breadcrumbs which then led me to tables of food, I took my time, going back for more and more, allowing the flavors to be truly tasted and enjoyed. Wow! I pray “Father, thank you for the food which I’m about to receive…” before reading as that is the blessing of Food, Heavenly Truth I receive, after each bite. Thank you doesn’t seem enough but know, I am your witness to the Truth you’ve been given. Lost in translation no more. We may be old, tired, sick and weary, as we both have the same issues, but I know that Peace upon this House will come moments after Justice has been “served” on plates for all to share. Take care Sister. #TCS You are dearly loved, any Cosmo girl can see it! (Smiles)

Mary Beth Jacob (MBJ)

January 23, 2023 

1, 2, 3 – A, B, C – AMERICA ON-LINE

It really does begin with 123~The Hand of God~ 

The prayers of children, whether spoken out loud or in the silence of the heart, they were recorded and they matter. A child’s heart is the purest form of truth so it’s at this age, the Heavens above us, take written note of what resides in them.  

Mine from my earliest memories, was to have a pure heart so I could see the face of God. My mother told me this, I believed her. My heart then became my measuring stick or plum line for the rest of my life. I determined my own Path in praying for that Gift. I had to experience the good, bad, beautiful and ugly to see that not all hearts, regardless of what bodily form they dwell in, are just people being people in a natural world in which the matters-of-the-heart rule. This is a good plum line to see what matters in your world per, the weight it carries.  I had to see my heart, front and center, all the ugly, cobwebs, anything with a lingering gray-zone affect (meaning previously judging others for the same offenses you committed just in a different lane, or shade, but the Roots are the same), before I could possibly begin taking that step to having the Divine wisdom and knowledge NEEDED to fully know His Heart! His FULLNESS! What occurs in the natural also manifests in the Spirit, as these same thoughts run rapidly through the brain, every scenario playing out over and over, effectively bringing a great birth of something, or utter exhaustion! The heart and minds of people bounce off the same matters – it’s which become shattered, and which become as light as a feather by hitting too many windows, thinking they were always an opening. Like birds, we also don’t see the glass when we’re looking at that ‘sun shining beautiful day’ happening in your backyard. Like the birds, we keep forgetting that is still a glass window, or door between us and that ‘beautiful day’.  

Oddly enough, or ironically God, it was my own faults, falls and stumbles, tantrums and tears that allowed me to see there was a cause to everyone’s lack and that, I knew, was fear. My heart instantly softened and I spoke how sorry I was to ever have assumed judgment on the actions of others that I now know, were rooted in matters involving their true heart. I could now give forgiveness. I could now truly love my neighbor as I love myself. This allows me to rest in GREAT PEACE! My waters are calmed. I had to face my fears and walk through that gray-zone, climbing up or trying to in order to see some light at the end of that concrete gray tunnel! I came out ALIVE! It didn’t kill me, it made me stronger. It made me know the difference between who said they loved me and who truly showed me love. They fed me when I was hungry. I was given food two-fold, from Heaven and from Earth. I was given love and compassion, Gifts from the Heart of God, His people, His children, all makeup God’s Good Heart.

It’s when fear blows in the wind and the Minds of Men get caught in that gray tunnel where their thoughts can become chaotic, disorientated. They can’t see the Light at the end as clearly as they once did, it’s foggy and shadowy. Some can see the Light but they can’t reach it due to all the flying and falling debris. This is the Right behind the Wrong, waiting to burst through the Wrong so it can be made Right!

We’ve had it all! We have the Nutty Professor, Crazy Scientist, yet at the same time, the dreamiest heartthrob teenage idols with their smooth voices singing only of love. Then we have Clueless and Short Circuit literally playing a role between the two. We are clueless how to clear our Mind, which is The Lit Path home in the maze on the circuit board of our brain.  

The heart is covered in gold, encased to make it through the ‘fire’ of the Mind and upon that polished gold’s arrival, the two become One, ONE Mind of “GOD”. It has both the Father and the Son within it as it’s what carried God’s Glory Home all along. The Heart is the Vessel to God. He has ALWAYS been with us and IN us! It’s up to us when we finally leave our father’s house in search of that higher Voice of Goodness. The Pure of Heart is needed while passing the black hole of the throat, mouth, and tongue. That is the fire of the dragon or the hole that swallows up all that is upon it. This was a Battlefield. The hearts and minds MUST be as One on the Battlefields not only in the natural, but in the Spiritual because as One, each knows the patterns of what each was taught, they know what Armor to bring to the fight. They KNOW the PLAYBOOK! They can now see all at that 360 angle, view. You know not to judge, but to pray. You know how to control your own mind regardless of the control tugging at the heartstrings. Yet, it’s by those same heartstrings that drove you to control your own mind! See, they MUST go together! If they just wisely follow the journey up the Jordan River, (Jesus parted His hair in the middle, center or direct line to Him) to help them on their way.  

So, allow all the Light in! Allow ALL the LIGHT OUT! It’s a HUGE, INHALE/EXHALE BREATH! This is what allows you to feel the register of your heart. You can feel as the air exhales (the lower you go, the higher it goes) the sweet spot or lightest heights till you get that “Ah…” feeling. There! That is your plum-line and your measure against all things believed and not believed. The “real” vs “The Real”; The REAL AI, the Mind, THE SPIRIT, the Father vs Man’s Ego of his own GENIUS Mind, leaving out the fact that the Initial Thought was of THE SPIRIT OF THE FATHER – MIND! At the end of the day, all things come from a Good place, regardless of the number of Battles fought. When you go there, to that place above the heart’s ecliptic, first, you can always see Goodness winning on all fronts. You see the whole words throughout their life and the effects each carried on them. You see the open door that opened unknowingly, yet it’s now throwing boomerang after boomerang into whatever came out of that fiery mouth or flood of water. They can each put the other one out.  

This should be wisdom all should carry. Don’t judge. Don’t doubt. Give it “to the Lord” and let Him be the One that places in equal portions, the knowledge and wisdom He lays upon each side of the brain. It’s like Jesus Baptizing in the Jordan! This is when you receive THE FATHER! The Genius MIND made Known. The HOLY OF Holy Spirits is upon your spirit, your mind, which is His Mind.  

It’s like the keys on the piano to the far right, the higher notes, tones, it’s like pinging back and forth in those registers, but you’re always in the Upper Range, closer to the Upper Room directing the pings. You know the patterns, the shades of gray, the same movie makeover – over and over and over! YOU KNOW THE ENEMY! You KNOW the Good Guy. You’ll know just Who is WHO, strictly by what your Genius Mind and Pure Heart tell you, glorified as ONE! You’ll Know!  Is this ONE the true Song of Songs?

I think it’s the Heart that awakens the Senses and is first to feel the pings or the tips of an arrow. The Mind, angry at himself for being fooled but because his intellect tells him “I’m too smart to be fooled!”, it takes a bit longer waiting for the Pride to Fall, and when that happens, it will be a worldwide Event! It’s for all the marbles, all the Souls. But remember, we Know Who won here? We did. God did! The Soul and Spirit of God will always go together, as One. He’s GOT THIS! We just must adjust our Earthly view – standing above the Ecliptic.  

From my view, it looks to me like the Circuit Boards are on – yet seemingly slow traveling on ‘phone line’ ‘AOL’ and ‘You’ve got mail’ type-connection but the Lights on the Runway are Lit! I think the Event all are waiting for, is when AOL runs the fastest, like the blink of an eye fast. AMERICA ON-LINE! Your Mind, your Mac, is being Supersized. You are now part of the MAC! This stands for Military Airlift Command. You will be a True Warrior as you’re of sound Mind and good Heart. Your blood is good as it flows warm in the cold and cool in the hot. You have a willing Vessel as your Mind & Heart went up as One, a Strong Bright Flame that grew higher and wider with each Truth they received together with renewed thought and refined feelings, as in not “personal”. It was part of the bigger picture.  

My guess is when the Star-link Satellites above us go “on-line”, this is when a switch could possibly be flipped. It’s like the thumb, it can point up or down. I say, we get a definite Thumbs Up!  Starlings are birds too remember; maybe these will fly right threw the glass. I wouldn’t be surprised!

See you soon my friends! It’s all Good!

Hugs, love and blessings to all!

Mary Beth, your Friend of Heaven


Families – The Head to the Feet – Facing your giants head-on…it’s time, do it!

This morning for some unknown reason, I decided to message my oldest brother and give him the link to my blog. He’s 80 while I’m 56. He’s the Head while I’m the Tail. He’s the first while I’m the last. He looks or has a view of the front – while I on the other hand, have the backsides. He smells the perfume while I smell – well, the opposite. But as the youngest – you just ignore the smell and keep following, training your nose in the process.

Buddie – Here is my blog. I thought this was a good time for you to get to know me. These are my days. I walk my talk and talk my walk. There’s a reason you are a minister – the first. There’s also a reason why I’m the last.
You and I know things the others don’t. The first last the last first. See, because I’m the baby, the youngest, they don’t look to me…they’ll look up to you. Not realizing…don’t underestimate the truth that comes from the mouth of a babe.

Why? Because you love them. You trust them. For some reason, you’re always watching their feet instead of their head. This my friends, is the “Catch 22”.


The Feet are what make the Patterns in which we walk throughout our lives. The Feet are what makes us stable. As we grow, we instinctively follow the Footsteps of those that walk ahead of us. But – we also grow and our own heads at some point, can then see theirs, only it’s still the backside of it. Finally in adulthood, you begin to stand face-to-face with Giants in your life.

That’s what they were – larger than life, weren’t they? These are those that you blindly followed, trusting wholeheartedly out of unconditional love. If you saw any argue – what did you do? You became the peacemaker…why? Because their feet were your foundation – your stability and if they couldn’t continue a nice, easy, calm & steady ebb/flow, your life couldn’t continue on in its “status que”. How can you continue to follow a boxer’s foot pattern in the ring? You can’t. This is when you begin to see wobbles, the insecurity and the falls. But – what does the Tail End of the line do – we catch them, don’t we? Yes, yes we do. When their feet are weak, our arms become strong. Unfortunately, as time goes on as it inevitably does, it’s your arms that become the Catcher…it becomes your position and because you’ve become the “ball catcher”, the one who is part of the two main players of the game, you learn to NEVER DROP THE BALL!

The Pitcher in this game, he’s on a rotation schedule – he gets rests. While you play each and every game during the hottest muggiest days, he gets to wait comfortably in the dugout or clubhouse. The Starting Pitcher is the star of the game to most, I mean it’s his throws that determines who wins or losses the game, right? Forget the wild pitches he may toss here and there, he’s still the one on “the mound”. We all love a good pitcher, even when he plays with a hurt arm. A Great Pitcher doesn’t retire when it’s time – they don’t leave even if they’re tired of the game. Why? Because their team needs them. He knows it’s so much harder on the catcher when the team’s leading pitcher takes himself out. He’s left with players who because of their egos and pride, become THE MAIN PLAYERS and when they don’t get what they want, they throw tantrums. They deserve to be credited where credit is due – look how great they are!

The Catcher, even behind his protective mask, can still see who errors the most. But out of loyalty and love, keeps what he sees to himself and tries all he can to help his team. No wonder his knees are so bad – all the up and down, left and right, moving his body as he does game after game! At some point, he stands up, takes the mask off, and retires from the game himself. But, he leaves knowing all the plays and the players. See, the Pitcher had the rest of his team behind his back while the Catcher can see every move.

This is where I’m at. While I’m the youngest of 9, and the tail-end, I’m able to have a clear view of faces I now stand face-to-face with, leaving my oldest brother who retired long ago, to only come home for “get togethers” remembering fondly “the team” that always had his back – but whose back was always to them. While he just remembers who they WERE – I got to see straight on who they ARE. I had the view of the errors and insecurity/fears that plagued them, the cracks in their foundations so-to-speak, and the creepy crawling things that climbed up out of those cracks as time went by. I’m not judging them, I love them and we are people, just people. But when I was tired of bending my knees, when I stood firmly at their level – they didn’t like it. They didn’t know what to do after I could no longer “play the game” on my knees.

After my son died, they didn’t know how to comfort me because it was uncomfortable – as they were totally clueless. We as a family, had never experienced that type of loss – that of losing a child. We were under a “Umbrella of Protection” our entire life really. I know this was due to my mother and her family (the generations) before her. It’s a God thing, a Spiritual lineage…it was back then and it continues on now. I know this…I don’t just believe it, I know it because of what I put in and gave up to find it. It matters who we are and where we come from. It matters who you are in your family and birth order. My mother would be heartbroken to see the coldness that has crept up from those cracks and been allowed to settle into the loving hearts is her children, especially those from 2-8, the players who feel their true talents were overlooked, bi-passed, overshadowed, ignored or were not nurtured in the way they could/should have been. They are “The Middle”, not the Head and not the Feet.

I call that normal. I call it just another in the crowd as we all are in this world. Down deep – they see it as a place they are not seen, heard and that makes it impossible for anyone to know just how special they really are. I’ve always seen each of their Specialties…I think each have something great within them but who am I? I’m just the “baby” of the family. No – I’m the Catcher!

My greatest heartbreak other than my son dying, came after, in the actions of my siblings. I had an experience they had no connection to and it profoundly changed me. I began a search for “The True Heart of God” – I asked to be taught HIM, not man’s understanding of who He is, but from God Himself. I gave up all my days on this Path to Him, my worldly life which is something many cannot or will not do. In doing this, I was given MUCH – and they stayed where they were…they have no idea who I am and what I know. What’s important to them, has no importance to me. Add to that – the fact that the younger of them – have a higher understanding/knowledge that they don’t have – well, you have discord and all that goes with it.

That’s what I feel like.

While you may have been their advisor, I’ve always been the peacemaker. I loved all equally. I accepted all unconditionally.

It wasn’t until I could no longer sit quietly, although still lovingly, by. The Voice inside of me started to rise up as I realized I was facing the giants head-on. That’s what they became. When I no longer had enough food on my plate to feed them…they no longer wanted to sit at my table, even though I shared all I had to give.

Why was I the one to lose a child? I haven’t asked that question for a very long time. I know why. How have I survived 14 yrs without my son? I know how. The day he died I knew – I knew I had better look up because this was about Him, His Bigger picture and not about hurting me.

**Note: This upper section of this post was began in 2019…today is September 26, 2022 and I am just finishing what I started then. My son has been gone 17 years and as you see above, he was gone only 14 years when my fingers began its first section. Today, today is a very good day to finish my “Draft” thoughts.

I was once again the last they would listen to. Now, my siblings are in their late 60’s to mid-80s. The males, my brothers, two whom I’ve lost in the past 5 years, are sick, or ill. I see the Karma-type boomer-rang swirling around, delivering back to them what they took me down with. The world. They chose their “Self” each time. It might have first shown as a kindness, or “good deed”, but the true Roots eventually were known, not by all, but by me. I kept telling them over and over, “You’ve just backed the wrong horse…” when they assumed to know the real truth. All I suffered with, in and through, it’s now circled back around; they themselves are feeling my pain and hurt, but most of all, my disappointment in who really has your back and who it is stabbing you in the back. I never saw who they were not, not what they were, only what I was “assured” of in my heart. I made an assumption because we’re family, we all shared the same heart & soul, the same blood. I was wrong. I thought they were better. Not better people, but better Souls.

This does not make me happy in any way. I would never wish any of it onto them, never. It gives me no joy. It pains me. If anyone truly knows me at all, they would sincerely know it makes my heart ache for the steps they are about to take in fear. I know fear. It led my feet once upon a time to the places no heart and mind should go…into that realm of cold-hearted “gray-zone” where lines of truth and lies can take-on every shade of gray there is. Blame and shame have no game, limits. One day you wake up and look around, take a REALLY good long look at yourself in the mirror, and then, only then, can you truly know the people around you. It’s literally like waking up in the Twilight Zone. I’m afraid this is what they are awakening to right now.

I ask everyday that they be blessed, not cursed. Helped, not harmed. I pray that they can wake-up, face all their ugly, see it, tackle it and then, move on from those places of 50 shades of gray into the Light. The Shadow is those gray spaces. We have all made mistakes, people are just people – all they have to do is forgive themselves because as long as they can’t say “I did that. I’m sorry!”, they can’t get out of the blame and shame game. When you feel no shame within yourself, you don’t have to push out the blame to hide the shame. Put on Good and Good will cover you, warmly. It’s got to be all the way, all in. Integrity will cover your true humility and the only people who have to know “your ugly”, is the people you sic’d it on after they got a glimpse of it behind the curtain…God’s already seen it; He needs you to admit it, that’s all.

This has been a trying time for all humanity. I have a large family and many of them have been hit hard, some are still clueless. My children just lost their father who died July 15, 2022. The thing he feared the most, ended up killing him after he “took it” to save him. I took his death harder than I thought I would.

I forgave everyone a very long time ago. I have asked for blessings to fill their homes. I bear no ill-will toward anyone and I love my family and my friends, those I have left and those I’ve lost over contrasting views. I’m living my best life! I don’t allow any of that yuck to linger in my heart, my soul nor my mind. I’ve learned to control my own mind. I’ve learned to become my own search engine, with my own “Browser”. I trust what I know because I did the homework. I did the leg work so that now, when everyone’s hearts and minds are on a constant loop of every negative thing, I am Beloved and Resting in my Peace.

The brother that began this story, I believe has his own hidden story. I don’t believe his life is as he led all to believe it was. Doing what I do, working for who I worked for, I can connect all those dots, accounts, companies and people faster than most can in a life time. I know their Patterns. I know the Main Players. I see who he played with and where they played. When it all goes down, I’m afraid, I see him going down with them. What disappoints me the most, is he will not tell those the truth that need to know it. He’ll go down as the Golden Child feeling shame knowing all was not glitter and gold. He knew and yet, didn’t tell.

My second husband (only married 2 men in my life) I found out, has had 2 strokes and lingering damage to he eyes and clotting in the neck. No, he never smoked. This news devastated me. As wrong as he did me, let a deceiving go on for years over money, crushing my heart (I haven’t dated in 17 years), yes, that one, he will forever be “My Bud” (ironically, my parents were named Mary & Bud and my oldest brother’s name is Buddie. I know, right?). My children and I never one time felt afraid of anything when he was there. We trusted him completely, and beyond. We loved him completely, and beyond. Still to this day, I believed he would “do the right thing” and keep his word to me, but it doesn’t seem to have made it that for. I would tell my kids, “No, Bud made a promise to me, he will keep his promise. When he is able to do it, he will.” Well, he’s an Enterprise now – let’s hope, pray that he is still that good man down deep inside before the world of “being a great man” captured him. Be a good man. Be a kind man. That’s all I ask.

It looks like from an earthly view, he won, but looking from my 360 angle, he lost everything. Money – he didn’t have to do what he did, the way he did it, I trusted him completely and he knew that. He knew my love was “all in”. He was the love of my life here on this earth. The thought of him going through illness, suffering and pain, makes me teary. It makes me cry. I can’t stand the thought of him being hurt in anyway, even though he thought so less of us. I forgive him. I pray he be blessed abundantly. Truly I do.

So, this is me, standing up, facing the faces of my giants. I will no longer look at their backs, only their faces so they can see all of me. The literal case of not talking behind someone’s back. I’ll stand in the Light of Day making the their darts easily hit their bullseye, but I will not boomer-rang them back. I am love and love doesn’t hit below the belt, the ecliptic line between darkness and light. Love hits you right between the eyes, leaving Its mark of Life, not death.

The world is taking out the Middlemen, the Middle-Man and that goes hand-in-hand with the Spiritual Middle-Men. The translators of Scripture have to be removed so the Word is clear, no miscommunication, no mistaking The Voice. All must removed from the Echo Chamber so the noise that continually circles-back, rests. This is when the people will hear straight from their Creator, through Christ Jesus, His Original Truth will be Known in the silence, in the quiet, when the noise no longer gets through.

We are the Houses. We anoint the eyes and ears (windows and doors) of our House and in and through prayer, we ask that the Food we are about to receive is Blessed. Food is information, words, traditions and beliefs. Ask that He bless your Food so that He filters out all the wrongs and puts on all the good. That’s the Fat. Should all of us be so blessed to be Fat & Happy, or “filled with joy”.

Father God, in Christ Jesus Almighty Name – I thank you and ask for your Divine storehouses full of Good Food be opened and poured out for all your children. I know You’re about to do something so incredibly fantastical, people will not even believe what they see! I know You. I know YOU! Every day and then again at night, I laugh and smile, saying “Lord, didn’t we have the BEST DAY today! I think today was better than yesterday!” I don’t see the gray. I see The Light beaming down telling me “It’s Showtime!” He never fails me. He’ll not fail anyone. He’ll make all things Good again.

I couldn’t have made it to now, without, a few of you…you all know who you are! I’m saying “Thank You” and let my THANK YOU be filled with every loving word I could squeeze into it. One day you’ll know how you helped me get to this day. I never let you leave my heart and your goodness is always on my mind.

May everyone be as happy as I am when I walk out into my backyard everyday, saying “I love my backyard! I never know what I’m going to create each day!”

It’s a Great Time to be Alive!

Mary Beth, Friend of Heaven


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Posted by on September 27, 2022 in Uncategorized


The Truth About Ukraine

Note: The first half of this was written earlier in the year, while the second half, was completed today, September 26, 2022.

In the past 10 years, I have learned quite a lot about Ukraine, Keiv, Belarus, Poland, and those areas surrounding them. Why? I was studying biblical and historical patterns. In doing so, you must go to their calendars to see the pattern’s line-up. Each day they give tribute to someone, something or someplace. You get to know who is important to them, the how and why of marriage partners, who are their most devote families and really, the deep inside look at Jewish life as recorded in history. But what you also see, is their extreme loyalty to their movement which, include all sects of Judaism. This goes back to their “homeland” roots prior to coming to the United States – yet this “homeland” is where they hid(e) all their secrets, their “other family members”, their fortunes so-to-speak are all based, connected to this Eastern Europe Ukrainian-Russia, Kazakhstan or group of areas. I believe these are from the “Huns” and “Mongols” or the original “Nomads”.

You’ve read and heard me speak/write about the Holy Rabbis or “REBBES” that were led by the Schneerson family. They own, run and lead the Chabad Lubavitch Movement which made their home in Brooklyn NY in 1951. When you follow the stories back 200 to 300 years, you’ll see the truth. You’ll recognize names of today that are extremely important and also, older ones that no one realized were in the same lines, just spelling of name(s) was changed but that they are in fact, part of “the family”. It’s quite remarkable really. These are the ones that are ruling the Zionist, the Deep State, the real power at the top and Ukraine, is their HOME!

Russia went into their home to remove all of the known bio weapon labs. Russia and Putin just saved the world in a way and no one can see it. If (((they))) are the powers of the powers, then what kind of off-the-chart powerful bio-weapons do you think Ukraine held? Yes. They had the ultimate plan to wipe “Israel” off the face of the earth, but remember, we are Israel. All of us are Israel. The bio-weapon would have wiped out all human life. But you see God will not allow this as Israel is His. He will now literally Boomer-rang this plague’s original rooted plan back to the Curser of it so it all falls back onto the lying Accuser. This scenario or parable matches also how they described past events. They were always “accused” of killing innocent children in the villages, towns and countries, but in their own writing, they record all things in a “Of Righteous Memory” as Martyrs, not the predators and perpetrators as the multitude of people proclaimed, but always translate the story to the readers “they were the good guys and because of our exile and antisemitism, we were also set-up and accused of these things”. This is not once, not twice, but time after time. Ukraine holds many secrets of the past, present and future. I look at this as the Battle of Gog and Magog.

How is that possible?

Ukraine is not just one people. . . they are China, they are Iran, they are England, they are US, they are every Shadow Government that exists in this world today. So if you’re going by Bible descriptions of what this war is really about and how all the players pre-told are yes, in fact, in this Battle. They are all going up against one country – Russia. Russia is closing it up exactly where it began before it laid eggs like a giant spider all over the world. The former Soviet Union is not Russia today, remember that. Just like we have a Deep State, every country also has one. That is who has run the plays for more years than anyone could imagine and that is who we are fighting.

Give this link I’ll post a good thorough read, please. Look deeply at the changes made throughout time to the names Gog and Magog. Translation and interpretation matters and that is what has allowed us to be enslaved by the “teachers of information” and “preachers of truth” in this world – we were ignorant. We couldn’t read or write so we marked everything with an X. Think about that.


If or when China should actually “invade Taiwan” – know ahead of time that Taiwan is China’s Ukraine. Just as Russia had to take out and bring to light their “Shadow Government”, China now must do the same. They have to take out and clean up their Deep State players and the evil they’ve hidden in the biolabs, underground lairs filled with everything nightmares are made of. These are “Man-Made” killers…

Why doesn’t the media/news (who know exactly what I just told you) just come out and tell us the truth? They need the people’s energy – essence of nations you could say, to stay in that “Fear Zone” as that is a lower lit place and the fear casted out into the world, keeps people away from their protected areas or “roots”. Fear is the main ROOT! But know, you’re fearing man, not God as this is as I said, Man-Made. Fear is not of God – but it is because of Him that it was born into “reality”. He is the Creator God and it was through His own creations, the lower things in life were given birth and allowed to manifest out. See, it had to be done this way in order to heal, make “perfect” His original perfected Will – to make it full and what fills it? His Glory. He has to make known the “error” (of the way) to draw the error(s) out using the arrows/fire stored in His Quiver. His Quiver is Truth…it’s a loaded backpack. It’s packed with His Pack of “Mice or Men”, or His own “Rat Pack”. He uses those who are “quiet as a mouse”, able to slide right under the floorboards without being seen or heard, while the “Men” use their darts (fire/words of the mouth) to distract those in the room from ever noticing the mouse below hiding in the corners.

Looking from this 360 view, one should be able to see the Roots of all things. All are in a “fallen state” – all begin in the Good Place but as they are mutilated, defiled, and made dense through their journey from womb to man, their Original Light/Truth/Goodness becomes lost in translation, or “transformation” each layer or realm needs them to be, molded to their way of understanding as this controls the “Think Tanks” they have and need as darts/arrows they begin to store in their own quivers, the Minds of Men or “The Double-Minded Man”.

Looking down isn’t to fill a quiver to judge from a birds-eye view; it’s so you can see the whole story, the History/Events in their unique geometrical Patterns from start to finish. You see the WHOLE PICTURE! You could call it “The Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth!”. When you use you internal/eternal able-mind, and trust fully in this faithful Mind, the Kind Man, you look upon all with a light heart, level well-balanced mind, allowing the Truth to unfold right before your eyes and before you cast out words of assumption, doubt and judgment. You know how the transformation took place, you have an all-access pass to The Locker Room. Therefore, you know to always use your best players, those that play the game with their whole heart, mind, body and soul. Those that leave their blood, sweat and tears on the field in this “Game Called Life”. You see the Footprints in the sand. The Patterns. The Playbook. You see the plays written out as the Coach drew them up. #ThePlan is #ThePlay. Looking at all peoples, places, things and events they bore, plan and support, or partake in, always from a higher Spiritual Mind & Heart, you can always see their real Origins, always! You’re not looking down in fear, your looking over them in Love. Therefore, your “judgment” toward both victim and perpetrator, is held back because you see how the victim themselves became the perpetrators. All you can see is the trauma caused to and by them through pain. They are not healthy. They are not healed. They have no light shining through their layers of hurt causing them to become just another brick in the wall.

You bless them and it’s heartfelt and true. This in turn lightens the burdens, the load upon us that weighs heavy on our mind. Instead of exploding out, we implode within, lighting the Ultimate Spark, or sparking the Original Light lying & awaiting in us all. God.

He’s not dead. He’s alive in us all. Wake HIM UP! The “Implosion” is The Earthquake that cracks open our foundation we’ve built our house on, God and His Heavenly Kingdoms whose main role, act, is to get us HOME, back to our Creator Source, the True Light, THE FATHER! Jesus’ Kingdom was Love so that must always be the Foundation of our Source here, the Heart which then lights the Path to the Mind of God, which then ultimately, is held up in the desert by Its own Lampstand, the Heart of God. Our earthly body structure is made from the Higher Heavenly Structure, organs play a major role as these “internal organs” work together in harmony, bells in their own right of way. “For Whom the Bell Tolls”

We are our own “Bell Ringers” of our own church towers but until we all learn how to play these intricate “Cathedral-sized Organs”, our songs or music cannot be heard in their Fullness…only the ripples can be felt, not the full-on orchestrated wave of tone and vibration, energy, each stone needs behind it to give the full power-charged Ripple Effect – that “UMPH” needed to get our Song, our Voice higher and higher, rising over the top of the Mountain and out of the echo chambers within the valleys below. As our voices rise, they reach the ears of those that’ve gone before us, our Blood lines, our Heritage. They are our “Choirs”, they are Our Land. They are Our Mountains. They are the Men of Renown. They are our Fathers, our True Founding Fathers.

Here is an excerpt from Ernest Hemingway’s “For Whom the Bell Tolls” on Wikipedia.

No man is an Island, intire of it selfe; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a Clod bee washed away by the SeaEurope is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.

Every man is a piece of the Continent. A part of the Main Piece of Land. We are Israel, the Land they try to divide. We will never be divided…He promised us. We are His Promised Land. Is-Ra-El? or Is-Rae-Lite? The Ray of Light is a True Israelite. Removing the berms allows the Beams to shine through what was once blocked; it then casts Beams of Light so the Festival of Lights is a continual Feasting from the Original Bread of Life…this is when you become a True Christian.

I love you all and I hope this reaches each heart and mind with the pure Love of Christ. I ask that this food in which is being received is blessed.

Mary Beth, Friend of Heaven


To Be Known. To Know. Now.

This my friends, is a description of something I was sharing, intending to add just a brief description. This is actually what I wrote. I couldn’t stop once I started typing. GREAT READ!! FYI: This is why I don’t respond to people as often as I once did. It takes me way to long! THE ELDERS OF ZION
Here is Google search link to the various sites if you want to read this book, or, learn more about the subject matter.

Welcome to my world! The description begins below…

This was their plan since the early 1900’s, and actually, 100’s of years prior. The Game Plan, this is it and this is what they’ve continually followed, no-matter-what. We are the Goyim. This is the “Root” that has been taken down all around the world since January 20, 2017, with now, only the strongholds, or dross is left to be removed. I’ve studied in depth, all this, for 10-12 years now, especially the Chabad Lubavitch Movement in Brooklyn, NY who made it’s home there in 1951, (hence the movie “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn”), following this Movement back at least 500-700 years and this is who the Zionist really are and why the Cabal do what they do. This book is in fact the Protocols that are followed by the heads or “Learned Elders”, and in the Babylonian Talmud which is the Book that is read, followed and put above all other scrolls, even the Torah, the 5 Books of Moses which really means “Instruction”. The Talmud does in fact state & verify these protocols and it’s the only part of the Talmud that WAS NOT TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH and other languages, meaning, they kept it quiet. This sect is a combo of mixed ethnicities beginning in land of Israel, then merging with Khans, as in Genghis Khan, the Turks, nomadic tribes of Eurasia all the way up to Poland. They became the Khazars or Khazarians (the Khans) of Kazakhstan. These people[s] were kicked out of Russia (hence why they hate Russia) due to the rituals they practiced, sacrificing to Moloch (which they practiced while in Babylon). They were told to pic a religion, become a Muslim, Christian or Jew, they chose Judaism. Russia literally threw them out of the country due to the killing/murders of the Goyim, mainly the Goyim children…that means us and our children.


They were those that became the “Coders of the Law”; “Keepers of the Law”; and “Writers of the LAW!” They carry with them the ‘glory of G-d’ which is power but in a lower idol status way. They will do whatever is asked, without question.

As I followed their trail up to and throughout E. Europe prior to that time, I could see that something major occurred – finally seeing it via the consistent patterns of their removal in every town/village they settled in as the charges, complaints and trials, were always the same. I then paid close attention to the countries to whom they considered “accusers” “haters” and how their people were always written as “Martyred” in their “History Facts” which always held them in “Righteous Memory” and told as such to the generations afterwards. The Rabbis, or Holy REBBES of these people became and are today, the top religious leaders & family of this Lubavitch Movement, of which, Adam Schiff, Diane Feinstein, Ginsberg, and almost all of the politicians put in office here and all around the world, were indeed, akin to, the line that “hijacked” true lineages of God’s people via “the Wars” they themselves claimed to be victims of but in reality, they were the Initiators, the funders of and the takers from.

Where did they call home prior to 20th Century? Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Chimera…If you’ve ever watched Fiddler on the Roof, you see how the villages were made ghost towns by what was really, the Khazarian Mafia, or who we call today, the Zionist. They were not of true “Jewish heritage” therefore, they easily murdered Jews and Gentiles (Goyim) alike. It was these that established Israel, not for the people of God, for God, but for “their god” and “their people” to defile by making it their “Home”. This is why the capital of Israel was Tel-a-Viv (tell a lie) and not Jer-USA-lem.

Notice their capital where the USA Embassy was stationed, was located in Television. Their ambassadors are all those that who cast out “the words”. Jerusalem, you can easily see USA is Its Heart. God’s Garden is literally within each heart of each person born by a woman. We are all Israel, but not all are True Israelites. To show the replicated status manifesting out into the natural world of flesh, you can see Israel today a “den of thieves” as their are family “mafia-type” Scam artist wrings filling the cities. The Temple Mount is being defiled right now – you can’t tell the real Rabbis from the look-a-likes…all for the god of this World whose number one constant weapon, using same patterned events, is money. They repeated “their plan” over and over, perfecting it now, they all just became very good at the game due to all their years of practice before they finally took the plunge left or right. This is where the blindness comes in.

This is why it was a priority to make Jerusalem the capital – it had to be moved and given back to God. This was so much bigger than the world can understand…the real “why” this had to be done when it was. When the Chabad Lubavitch Movement made their home here in the USA, in Brooklyn in 1951, this country became the home and headquarters of the Cabal (Kabal), leaving in Israel their MOSSAD leaders to initiate “retaliation events” against their enemies or their “accusers and judges” that previously spoke out throughout all those years of the evil done to the people via these “Holy Leaders”. Ukraine has always since that time, been under their full control, Russia being their hated foes. Israel and the United States, America “Murica” “Merica” (A-Mira-Ca or Miracle) was their “promised land” and the home/land they would make theirs to avenge their ancestors in their “righteous memory”. It’s here the power they welded was hidden and protected via the ignorance of the people who knew nothing of their past and where they really immigrated from. The Jewish people themselves were deceived also. But, tradition and family honor kept them from ever taking a foot out that door to hear another Voice. They really didn’t know another voice except those passed down in the books these REBBES wrote commentary on, then writing their own “interpretation” and “translation”. This is also where the infiltration began that eventually rose to power today.

Before I go on, I’m going to tell you, these REBBES are loved more and truly seen by the Jewish people, as “God”. The Jewish Priesthood is what ironically controls every lane of 10 opposite Commandments. It is also them that believe what was written before them is utterly untouchable, undisputable truth. These Rabbis are the most powerful people in the world. They’re loyal to their family but you see they play by two very different sets of rules/roles. This is how you will connect the Elite/Cabal/Deep State families all around the world, buy the “wordsmiths” when giving themselves accolades for their own “celebrity”! Meaning, they are outing themselves. They all left a footprint or imprint – Patterns. Everyone has their own record keeping system, but this has now been flipped. It’s OUR WORDSMITHS that are writing the truths about what really occurred then and now.

They infiltrated God’s people, their hearts and minds, via the one “sheep” that wondered off, where they then began their initial plan to kill off the rest of the sheeple. It was a long-term movement as they wondered around the world (wilderness) growing, multiplying in numbers, disguising themselves as sheep themselves. This is the true “Wolf in sheep’s clothing”. The Khan, or Con, was still conquering the world as Genghis declared but through the Co-Hans, Cohens, the “co-hands” we now call the Khazars. This is shown in the US by the naming of “Czars” appointed between 2009-2016 – all those who were appointed to lead specific “movements” during those crucial 8 years of opening the gates to the land, once and for all allowing the wolves entrance into God’s main and major sheep pin…His Promised Land given to all His sheep who sought freedom and peace (“there shall peace in the valley”), was now, sadly and literally, awaiting slaughter, having no clue who their enemy really is (“As I walk  through the valley of the shadow of death…”). What is said “People perish by their lack of knowledge” has never been more true. The dead know nothing – this is the land of the dead. All has been Lost in Translation as the history we’ve been given, was indeed, written by these Wolves of Wall Street. Transformation (trans-formation) was transformed via the Trans-formers, transients transplanted in a land by conning or conquering. How? By the words they wrote, spoke and spread throughout, just like a plague. “The Word” has been used as a weapon with a double-edge; one sides lies has become another sides truth. This is why the blind and deaf were healed, will be healed so the whole “Truth” can be “Known” (Who do you say I am?). When the Truth is Known in Whole, not in part, then you too will be Known as God is not the God of the dead, He is the God of the living and until you wake up, rise up and walk, you cannot be healed and if you cannot be healed, then you cannot see the Truth, hear the Truth or follow the Truth, thereby you are not known by The Truth (“I do not know you”). Trust in yourself by using your own words when using Phonics. When you can see the name source (roots) of those words, you totally should know what it means. Patterns.

Both sides, the Hands, must come together as one (“Teach us how to pray!”) Translation matters. What side or edge the tongue speaks from, the mouth held up by the “Mandible” (Man-Abel/Able-minded man/Man-dated man) determines your way and your life and who leads you home. (“It’s not what goes in a man’s mouth – but what comes out that defiles him”) (de-fines – de-fends – de-friend). Which God/god is de-fin-ing you (removing the scales); which God/god is de-fend-ing (deafening) you (“hear what the Spirit is saying”) and what God/god is de-friending you (de-Freud-ing) (“A man cannot serve two masters”).    

Right now we are battling the Giants who are devouring the lands – the truth and the lies, the Media. Where is “Media”, the original land, Persia. Who is Michael the Arch Angel battling, keeping him from coming to Daniel in Babylon? The Prince of Persia.

You have to ask yourself one question. Who is the crazy one? The one who goes through life and never hears from God? Or, the one who is ridiculed because everything in their life, led them to that find. that Voice? Why does one go to church, read His Word if not to find His Voice? The seeker searches and sees what is already known (“Nothing new under the sun”), while the finder rests as he has found what is Unknown (“God is Unknowable, Unnamable…”).

We all must deliver the Christ-child, The Truth. The Earth is giving up what has been buried in her, the truth that has been hidden within the ground. The Roots of the Tree. When the Earth quakes, it’s the Beast rising, the Truth coming into the Light so all can be laid bare, transparent and known. This is the truth of the World. Then, the World will bear-witness to the truth that was transformed and unknown…”All shall see the Glory of the Lord so it shall be on Earth as it is in Heaven”.  

I thought that was a very excellent description the Holy Spirit obviously wanted “known”.

Blessing, love to all! See you soon!

Mary Beth, Friend of Heaven


“Why Johnny Why?” Johnny Depp & Amber Heard – why American’s should care? Why did they care?

No, I haven’t gone “Hollywood Reporter” on you – but once again, I am going “All In” on the How’s and Why’s the public trial now playing daily for all to view – is in fact, a matter of the heart. The Heart’s of America. Even though it’s over, verdict in, I’m talking about the roots and reasons.

I’ll always think of him in Cry Baby – it was Bo’s favorite memory for a long time, I had to watch it – A LOT!

The Movie Cry-Baby

Keep in mind as you read on, the status of coordinated “Agendas” being pushed throughout the world, manly targeting our beloved country these past 4-6 years, especially attacking men who are MEN! It was “The rise of Feminism” and the highly financed “Movement” of “The fall of the “Man’s man”. Notice, it wasn’t feminism as we know “feminism” to be…it was manly women verbally attacking the character(istics) of the manly men, who I believe, give the majority of us a sense of “protection and safety” whether knowingly or subconsciously. Having sturdy, strong mature men throughout these United States gives me, I know, a peaceful feeling as I know the majority of these men would protect not just their families, but mine/ours too! Seriously, it’s just something that’s assumed by normal, common-sense people.

This my friends, is where the problem laid. The enemy of this world had to get through them to get to us (I’m not talking Military at this time). The layers to this runs far deeper, FAR DEEPER than most know. Actually, most are “clueless”. Yeah yeah, I know, you’re thinking “Okay, what about Johnny Depp and how in the world does he fit in this all?” I’m getting there!

The Mindset of the People vs. The Heart’s of America

ALL must learn to take control of their own mind! Mind Control has been part of our daily life (a HUGE part of it) only it’s been under the control of other men’s minds. Without the ability to control our own mind, we’re also unable to control what fills it or is “living rent free” within it. All units of information intercepted and received, became to 99.99% of us, our “Chart of Needs & Wants” then within that chart system, we compartmentalize the “Good/Bad” category these “Good Needs & Wants” and the “Bad Needs & Wants” to align with our “assumptions”, which in the end – makes the “Choice” for us as we make “Judgment” on the Good/Bad based on information received (“Truth/Lies”) or mainly, what our eyes have been “shown” and our ears allowed to “hear”. This is Mind Control 101. (Mind Control begins with blindfolding the Controlee.) Hearing overrides sight hence why people also say “I won’t believe what I hear until I see it for myself!”

What do you do to gain back control of your mind, get away from all the craziness manifesting throughout the land? You go to the Heart (Heart of the Matter). Your own heart. The
Spirit always, within the speed of light, He gives us a “Ping” toward the Truth. We all know THIS PING!.

The heart is where God resides within us all. It’s where we walk and talk with Him and He “feeds” us Good Fruit from the Tree of Life. After taking some bites, the juice flows and those “seeds” take root, but to make sure they sprout, He gives us a drink of water from the River of Life, which is a breath blown into a body to give it movement and life as the mind is “brain dead” or “under occupation of the Enemy”.

The Water is God and within “the Blood” He encircles us continually, circulating within and throughout our body. Until Oxygen is blown into it however, which is in the Breath of Jesus, (The Wind) the “whole body” is not yet alive, and if it is brain dead, both breath and oxygen must be pumped into the heart, while the “Palms of the hands” pound, massage, or heavily pulsate in a continual rhythmic, number-counted pattern to push that Breath and Oxygen in and up to the brain. Now – the Windmill takes over where the Wind and the Water work together to bring Light to the Mind which then, allows all things growth and life!

The heart takes pounding after pounding, heartbreak and trampling time after time so the Light to the Mind is continually burning and each time this occurs, more watering, bigger sprouts and new seeds. It’s continually ALIVE! Our Mind is The Spirit of THE FATHER of All, the SOURCE OF CONTINUAL LIGHT! But, the Heart is what gives it what It needs to “stay alive” and not fall dead. There is only ONE TRUE REVIVER and this is why Jesus Christ is The Way to The Life. His Breath IS what keeps the lights on!

Can you imagine how much power and energy can be produced if the Hearts of America work as ONE? WOW!

The thing is – the Heart of Man must be broken (rock rolled away) releasing the Light placed within it so Its Light via Footprints, can rise up and walk. The Veil is split from life to death, but really death to life as all that was hidden can then be seen. When the Heart stops, that last “Gasp” of air launches Its last Breath up to the Brain, or The Throne. This you could say is “God on The Glory Seat” or “Seat of Glory”. This is determined how high you can “raise Him up” and the status of each Man’s heart. Who is strong enough to roll the rock away to allow passage to follow the light leading out of the burial cave? Jesus Christ. Whose Hand’s are gentle enough to tear the veil in our brain (top to bottom) without causing harm or shock to the “electrical system” or “Scroll” laying behind it? Who can maneuver that Circuit Board with precision, leaving nothing broken or bent? Who can lower Himself down like 007 and take that Diamond, snatching it in a millisecond up and without causing any outages? Christ Jesus.

This is your story. This is The Story.

The World is in full view right now of the heart of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. (How DEEP is your HEARING or Depth of the Heard?)

I didn’t set out to watch this of all things! I don’t even really watch television, only streaming real news and history, not the main stuff so for me to stop and watch – something had to grab my attention – something said or shown. It was. It was his story. It was his humility in the truth he was casting. It was the “trauma” I heard and the brokenness of his Soul that I could see. In that moment, I knew who Johnny Depp was. He was my Taylor. I knew from that point on, he still didn’t want her hurt, even though she would see him lose everything in his life before she would utter the words “I was wrong. I’m sorry!” She can’t. She’s Erin. She can’t ever allow anyone to see any faults she has or whatever else is hidden inside that may make her unlovable, unaccepted, unloved, or plainly put, faulted, as we all are. She is terrified of being rejected and judged because she is not who the world was told nor shown to be. If she shows the real Amber, who would want her? Extended Chronic Grief Disorder tends to direct kind-hearted people to the path of what looks to be “fragile broken birds” only to quickly find, they are quite the opposite and can fly just fine! Problem is, once you release them into your home, every second of the day you’re trying to get them off whatever it is they’re flying and landing on, pooping on, or flying head-on into and safely back to their cage.

You have no idea how much energy and attention they demand. They can flip personalities as fast as we blink. It’s exhausting. It’s heartbreaking really. You do everything to bring SOME TYPE OF JOY to them just so you can have a little piece-of-mind and rest. Johnny Depp is 50-something years old and he had to lock himself into the bathroom or bedroom time after time. Can you imagine someone like Taylor, having gone through all he’s gone through with the losses experienced when he was just 12/13, the most crucial stage for a youth, facing a 21-yr old version of Amber Heard? Taylor’s reactions were involuntary, reactive from his shattered heart. Erin on the other hand, plotted as her mind could not shut off her brain that riddled her thoughts with constant fear of never being good enough to be truly loved unconditionally. She put conditions on every morsel of love she gave out and she herself to this day, believes or fears, she is given love only with conditions attached and if she “appears” to be at fault for anything, the wet towels on the bathroom floor we all saw her leave there every single morning, well, that’s it, that’s a deal breaker, poof, love removed!


It’s the “same” every time. They use these negative tools to manipulate all their avenues.

So these women have to gain some type of leverage. They do. Erin, she gets pregnant and threatens daily “I’m taking Eli, your son away from you and you’ll never see him again! I’m calling my dad! Say goodbye to Daddy Eli!” She did this when she was pregnant too. She would tell Taylor every day then, “I’m not having this baby! I’m having an Abortion! I’m giving it up for Adoption!” and this manipulation continued until Taylor no longer controlled his responses, his reactions, his tears. Taylor had wanted to be a father since he was 13 years old. She knew losing his brother, his step-dad leaving who had been his “dad” since he was 2, the loss of security he had his entire life with our home, money, family – everything he knew to be good in his life was gone in a day, as it was for all of us, only Taylor, his brokenness not only rested in his heart, but when she set him up time after time, degrading him down to the point he believed he was the monster she was creating 24/7 with each lie, mind game, and “But I’m the Victim” sniff sniff she gave, Taylor’s mind shattered, fractured and my sweetest, most happy “How can I please you” child, was gone.

He has been in jail for almost a year now. After he made that trip to Tennessee after Erin stole Eli off to Arizona and refuses to allow any of us to see him, not forgetting that she already had another guy waiting to take care of her the minute she had Taylor arrested, which with then she had a baby immediately with AND has had that Eli call Daddy, Taylor went to a Native Reservation for a “cleansing” with Iawaska (which I had never heard of in my life). It did the reverse and opened up a completely higher form of loss, loneliness and hell. This has been the first time I have been at peace – knowing at least he was safe – since January 7, 2005 when his older brother Trey died in a car accident.

I then experienced another new “I never thought I would experience this EVER in my life!” transition into being the mother of a drug addict. This was not my son – yet he was still Taylor, that scared little boy who just wanted everyone to be nice, to play nice, love each other and not fight. I know his fear. I know his tears. I know his heart, and it’s Good. He is a Kind Man. He did some bad things as a reaction to the bad people he fully trusted in his life. He could never forgive himself for hitting her and thought all the dirt he fell in, he deserved for being such a terrible person. Then, the month prior to the start of the Plandemic, he was living everywhere, yet nowhere. During this time, is when he began to use Meth as to stay up “out there” and survive without looking and appearing to be an easy target for those that were veterans of the game. Talk about a lamb among the wolves? But, at some point, you start following the Wolfpack.

These Amber Heard/Erin types, which is the majority of the 40 and under group of women I’m sad to say, they move on and continue to watch BRAVO TV’s Reality Shows like it’s their real life! This is what they know. This is what they grew up watching and truly believing is REAL!! Reality TV was part of the bigger plan set in motion to weaken the women via insecurity — yet gave them permission to fight like a man when their quick-lit-fuse was fueled by the man going to work EVERY DAY (which they try to daily sabotage so they stay home with them) or doing anything for themselves, by themselves as they have to control the man’s whereabouts 24/7. They believe they are “Bad Girls” but it’s okay, cause that’s how the world is now…no, no, no it’s not. These men don’t have a clue what they’re up against. The level of deceit, manipulation and tears is so high and perfectly mastered, really, you can’t believe this is your life and this person is in it!

I am telling the honest truth when I say I have PTSD watching this trial but I can’t turn away. Why? Because I know her. I know how the “hers” of the world work. Maybe if Taylor had been older, more mature, time and patience settling in a bit more, he could have made it through this without all the trips to jail, the depression, insecurity elevating the anxiety attacks that became so severe, his eyes become glazed, he saw nothing but PAIN coming after him again, but beyond the level of pain his heart could take, the kind of pain she has purposefully allowed found comfort in. Really, they have to do this every single day so they find relief in their own trauma.

These broken birds…are vultures in a world that has taught them to how to prey.

I remember asking her one time, “Erin, why do you do it? Why do you hit that big red button every single morning? This is deliberate! Haven’t you ever heard ‘Don’t tell your Dad!’? Men and women are different, we do all we can to keep that button from being pushed!”

She said to me that no, she did not and that’s how she was raised, yelling and fighting, etc. I kept telling her it just wasn’t normal!! Me, who doesn’t really drink save a glass a wine a couple times a month or year even, I was having a couple glasses of wine a day!! Who can live like this? Problem: They don’t see it as abnormal. Everyone does it! No, no they don’t AND it’s NOT everyone’s “normal”! So, like Taylor not wanting anyone to hate Erin because he knows “there’s a problem there” and down deep, they want to love and live a happy life like everyone else – but they have not been able to remove the trauma of the past that keeps them imprisoned in their own hell within their mind. Mind Control still controls them. So at the end of the day – both are Victims and both are Perpetrators. It’s a ginormous spider web that needs to be cut down.

Giant spider web of good vs evil, truth and lies…


This is the only “Looking for Talent” show that should be aired – in my opinion. That is what The Spirit is searching for, above all else – a Good Heart…

So, how is the American people going to “judge” this? Whose heart can they see or hear? Will the fact that we know what Hollywood is all about now, all of it. Johnny Depp threatened to kill the president, President Trump or suggested someone needed to. Will this action harden hearts against him? That’s when I lost all respect for him. I thought he was a lost cause, a true Pirate with a black heart. I stopped watching all his movies, he and the rest of Hollywood. But when he came out and started all that “hate” talk about the man who literally (and Johnny Depp knows this very well) saved and continues to save us from the Deep State, he wasn’t caring about the the Hearts of America then. He was doing it why? He hurt my heart when he joined the “You have to hate Donald Trump Club because he’s taken down corruption that 99% of Hollywood is mixed up in so now, we have to get him out and tell the fans to hate him too!”

He needs to go all the way now. He needs to show all of his heart – who he really is? Will he?

Johnny Depp – A face does not always represent the true heart of a person…If you can see what lies there, then you must be God, as He’s the only One who can know. How? The Heart is the vessel to God, the Soul is the Heavenly Child birthed into darkness, the world of matter. The Spirit is the Mind and that is where the Battle For Souls is being fought. What “light/voice” has made a home there? Soul needs “The LIGHT” to show the Path – the Way Home.


Who do the bodyguards protect him from, the fans or the Execs? Are they there to keep him in? Is that the person he has become to keep the fantasy going? Below are just a few pictures I found on the internet to get my “Who are the Bodyguards REALLY?” query answered.

He thought he died when his “character” was brought low – the world judged him on hearsay. He’s obviously no saint, I’m in no way saying he is. What I’m asking – do we believe him because he didn’t believe us or respect what was helping our statehood, our living environment? Is he that far away from reality he doesn’t know regular people anymore? I don’t think so. He seems very down-to-earth while at the same time lives in an area with 5 Penthouse Suites so that makes me question again – WHO THE HELL IS JOHNNY DEPP?

Is he a victim on the other end of the tedder-totter? Are we clumping him in with those people he hangs out with and calls friends? Is he just a good actor who wants people to disassociate him with Domestic Violence and to stop being the scapegoat we can all see he is being made to play? Is he really doing this for himself, or is he being made to do this?

This is for the sake of the people of not only this country, but the world who hold these “celebrities” in an idol position. They are all going to be brought low but – but are all of them guilty? Are they NOT in control of what they’re made to do? Following this “trial”, comes the BIG ONES! This TV trial is just to get the people prepared but also, God is allowing a HUGE teachable moment here! God knows ALL SIDES of the story so He is the only one to rightfully judge and that is what He is showing us right now.

Johnny Depp’s Rings

I have no idea why. But, I did notice during the trial, he was wearing a #Truth ring.
#Truth Ring
Almost looks like he wants to say something…or a message? I see a plea.

People are just people. We are all faulted. We are all flawed. The difference is that most are not famous with some having more than enough wisdom to see through the glass houses and see just how nonsensical, and plain stupid their lives look from this view. Seriously? How long has it been since Johnny Depp cut the damn grass? Better yet, just said “NO!”? No to the ridiculously over-the-top stupid the world’s “famous faces” have for years been apart of. The people of this country are loving, forgiving and nurturing people. We are ready now to understand the darkness that exists in this world and how quickly it spreads. But, this is the time of shining the Light on whatever is hidden there.

Believe it or not, I get Johnny Depp’s “comfy” look. On a personal note, as I get older, I find myself dressing more “Hey, I’m living my best life Hippy look!”

It’s always a test of the heart to see if the love within it, even a spark as small as a mustard seed, will prevail over all things…good or bad.

Don’t allow anyone to hold anything over your head, a constant “reign” controlling your life per threats of disclosing the hidden things. This is how God will partially judge the hearts of men and women of this world in how much they will forgive, not judge. God is going to forgive – that’s what He does as He is Love. That’s not to say those who have hurt children won’t have a major spanking coming to them per the wave of God’s Hand, but, it’s not in the punishment form many/most think. The “Rods of God” or the “Fire” is of the tongue – it will be fixed to only speak truth. No lies. They will be made to literally, on their own doing too, confess to whatever horrible things done in the dark. This will affect them severely because God is going to show them and all of us, LOVE first. Their hearts will feel pain, regret and repentance beyond what could be imagined. Watch.

This is going to be the test of all Tests! Don’t judge what you do not fully know as we do not know who is doing what and the reasons behind their actions.

This trial was MADE PUBLIC and all those private matters were purposely broadcasted out to the world. Are we suppose to love him or hate him? Or her? We are to follow the “Ping” that we feel immediately and let It be our guide. We look at Fruits of the person, the REAL person behind the persona and face owned by the Employers. Is he the true victim who is fighting for his Soul against a woman who is all 5 Kardashian women in one? Is he a kind man with a gentle soul or is he loyal to those close to him because they know what he doesn’t want the world to know and are they loyal to him because he pays them to be?

After watching this man for the past few weeks, which can I stress again I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THEIR DRAMA, I see a good heart, a gentle Soul and someone who just wants a peaceful life. Can this man harm children? Are these people themselves “made” to do things completely against who they are within? This is the problem and the key to loving your neighbor as yourself. When everything comes out, and that will be in the not-too-distant-future, I’m talking months, this trial will seem like a traffic ticket argument, or will it? I don’t know the depths of involvement the “stars” partook in nor the backstory and footprints that follow them but I know via FEAR, many were made to follow orders Hollywood style.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard - there's a bigger story within the story. I see trauma. Trauma at an age that dimmed the Light, leading both to a path where the "light", shines on them. Thing is, The Light must now shine Its light upon the Darkness so He can make a way - when they see none. Full exposure comes upon the World, not just Hollywood. Truth is The Way...only The Father God Almighty - The SOURCE of all life - knows the true hearts and minds of man. He is the Fair & Just Judge.

Remember, Mind Control was done on all the people – not just a few. There are many layers to this, one different from the other, but know, the Mind is not free and when your mind lives in fear, all the negative “darkness” is the cloud that veils the True Light and until we are given the “Wave of God” removing that “Veil”, don’t allow your mind to go into the deep crevices the enemy dwells in. This is when your mind will not stop, shut down, or give itself rest. When no rest is given, the Mind is easily confused and will follow the wrong voice calling them. It keeps creating the lower level “things” of this world which is done in the heavy darker part of the heart and acts like a millstone ready to take you down and under!

If you are true Christian – truly part of Christ, you are Love and you do what He does – LOVE! We wouldn’t want anyone feeling so heavy their Spirit cannot rise into the Light and Love to receive Ultimate Healing and bring back the Light within them in FULL BLOOM! We want all to make it Home if the Christ Spirit is your Counselor and Guide. ALL OF THEM! Can you do that? Can we do that? I’m trying very hard to do that. Once you can control your OWN MIND, then you are no longer under the god of the world. You’ve stomped the Head of the Snake and the Prodigal Son finally comes home to The Father who loves him. That is all of us – we have to let go of what we were taught as good and bad, because bad is now good and good is now bad but it’s His Plan. It’s the “Berm” thingy that we have to pull from our eyes so we can come down off our lofty places and realize, in God’s eyes, ALL ARE HIS and He wants ALL HIS CHILDREN, HIS CREATION, HIS BELOVED to come HOME!

The Beloved – they are the dead, are they not? Isn’t that what is engraved on headstones? Yes. Who is God calling His Beloved? The dead? He’s not a God of the Dead so unless you roll the rock and tear the veil, He cannot hear your cries because you’ve not yet been born to Him, you are dead and He does not know you.

The Branches & The Roots/Dark to Light


God and His Ways being so much higher than ours, and us, is going to “resurrect” the dead and He will bring ALL of His Creation Home. This is His Ultimate Gift of Love for Mankind to be the Kind Man. He knows the hearts of all men. He knows how He formed each one for His Glory, His Truth in the “darkness of the womb”, preparing His Creation for the “light” they’re ultimately birthed into. Think about this.

The Darkness once again will give birth to the Children God has knitted by hand yet allowed to be carried, fed, and sheltered against outside elements, so once the birth process begins, a live breathing healthy “Soul” can be born into the Light of the World. The Darkness cannot put out the Light – it can only hold it for as long as God’s allotted days gives over to it. The Beloved Children of God rest in peace, a peaceful sleep after the Silver Cord (which gave it the nutrients of life while in the womb), is cut and the breath of oxygen (Jesus) is then inhaled.

God uses ALL for His Purposes. His Power and Glory. What the enemy schemed for evil, God The Father will refine and renew to be used for His Kingdom purpose – LOVE! A newborn Soul doesn’t know good from evil – it only knows what it sees, hears, and feels in the “light” it’s born into. The “light/Light” is “truth/Truth” and each Soul walks the path it knows. On that path going from light to Light, IS really, Dark to Light. Correction, learning to walk through the “Gray Areas” which many can’t find their way out of, like a maze, is what Scripture holds…it’s our Survival Guide, our manual on “How To Get Home”! How to walk from light to Light with a fully lit “Light-Source” to show the way. How can newly born Souls who were raised in a dimly lit house/family, be judged justly and righteously if they were raised basically in the shadows, where bright lights weren’t allowed to be used/plugged in/shine?

This is why all captives must be set free first. The Light, The Truth and The Way must be shown to all. ALL.

Love to all – I’ll see you soon! I’m working on a new blog home and channel so I can start live streaming!

Mary Beth, Friend of Heaven


*Edited post 4/16/22: LET YOUR FINGERS DO THE TYPING & GOD DO THE TALKING! Great days with God, one after another…

“Tie her hands up and see if she can still talk?” That is what my friends would say. “She can’t talk without her hands!” That’s true!

Is this why when I type or text – my fingers just can’t stop? My replies are NOT the “norm” and when I read them back to myself, I am shockingly-amazed that “THAT” just came from my fingers! I can’t stop either – not until the “answer(s)” is complete, both in the Spiritual and Natural (fleshly) understanding. The responses I give, flow like a river as the words are just downloaded into my brain in clear and concise “THIS IS THE TRUTH” meaning and layered understanding. That IS the Spirit of the Lord upon you and you know those words were not your own! People in my life truly, have no idea what my days are like. It’s at the point now, where I can hardly wait to get up out of bed in the morning, anxious and giddy over what God is going to show me that day. When evening sets in, I’m finishing up for the day whatever project I’d been working on and say “That was a GREAT DAY Lord, wasn’t it? Wow! That was a GREAT DAY! We had so much fun and what you gave me, REMARKABLE! You are just so GOOD! Thank you for allowing me this Gift of all GIFTS!”

Mary Beth Jacob – Friend of Heaven
Thank you Father for knowing me. Thank you Jesus for finding me. Thank you Christ for loving me.

A couple of months ago, I was posting an article about the “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” or something to that affect. I’ve read this a few times since 2018 but thought this last time I did so, to also post on Facebook so others could read, hopeful while at the same time, not convinced even one person would read, let alone, understand its true meaning(s) and intention(s).

Any-who, as I began typing what was to-be a brief 2 line-summary of the subject matter, my arthritic stiff hands/fingers started to “do their thang” – taping those keyboard keys at near 90 wpm (30 wpm slower than their normal 120 wpm) yet consistent in their tip-tapping with harmony and flow. When this occurs, I’ve learned from experience over the last 10 years, to go-with-it or, go with God as that is Who is doing the talking and I know that with 100% surety. The errors are mine, not His as sometimes it’s me that changes/replaces/edits a word or description feeling a better one may be needed in order for those reading to have a deeper/higher level of understanding of “the truth of the matter” He has shown. These hidden roots of history (His-story) must be known.

A good farmer working their field would uncover, then expose to the light what has been tilled from beneath the dirt their hoe is unloosening and reaching…the thick, twisted and vastly spread ROOTS! To tell you the truth, my shoulders, arms, hands and fingers hurt 24/7 from all the weeds I love pulling from the ground. I don’t post many articles (articles – hahahaha – like I’m a real writer whose “work” is seen by many – hahaha) due to this reason. I’m in pain and my poor stiff weed-pulling hands and fingers start spasming just at the thought of sitting down and typing the way I used to. Plus the fact that when I do respond to a social media post, or even a simple text message asking “Hey, Mary Beth, what do you think about this?” – I know it’s GAME-ON and when the tapping begins, it will not cease until HE IS FINISHED! I know now, this is how He blows life into the seed and that His breath, is the wind. He uses all of His Vessels (us) to carry “life” from the dark to the light. Never count yourself short…meaning we all are part of the harmonic soft breeze He carries to and fro across the world – some or maybe many – just can’t or won’t believe they too, are Light Bearers.

So, below is that post I spoke of above:

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

This is, in fact, true. This was their plan since the early 1900’s, and actually, 100’s of years prior. The Game Plan, this is it and this is what they’ve continually followed, no-matter-what. We are the Goyim. This is the “Root” that has been taken down all around the world since January 20, 2017, with now, only the strongholds, or dross is left to be removed. I’ve studied in depth this for 10-12 years now, especially the Chabad Lubavitch Movement in Brooklyn, NY who made it’s home there in 1951, (hence the movie “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn”), following this Movement back at least 500-700 years and this is who the Zionist really are and why the Cabal do what they do. This book is in fact the Protocols that are followed by the heads or “Learned Elders”, and in the Babylonian Talmud which is the Book that is read, followed and put above all other scrolls, even the Torah, the 5 Books of Moses which really means “Instruction”. The Talmud does in fact state & verify these protocols and it’s the only part of the Talmud that WAS NOT TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH and other languages, meaning, they kept it quiet. This sect is a combo of mixed ethnicities beginning in land of Israel, then merging with Khans, as in Genghis Khan, the Turks, nomadic tribes of Eurasia all the way up to Poland. They became the Khazars or Khazarians (the Khans) of Kazakhstan. These peoples  were kicked out of Russia (hence why they hate Russia) due to the rituals they practiced, sacrificing to Moloch (which they practiced while in Babylon). They were told to pic a religion, become a Muslim, Christian or Jew, they chose Judaism. Russia literally threw them out of the country due to the killing/murders of the Goyim, mainly the Goyim children…that means us and our children.

As I followed their trail up to and throughout E. Europe prior to that time, I could see that something major occurred – finally seeing it via the consistent patterns of their removal in every town/village they settled in as the charges, complaints and trials, were always the same. I then paid close attention to the countries to whom they considered “accusers” “haters” and how their people were always written as “Martyred” in their “History Facts” which always held them in “Righteous Memory” and told as such to the generations afterwards. The Rabbis, or Holy REBBES of these people became and are today, the top religious leaders & family of this Lubavitch Movement, of which, Adam Schiff, Diane Feinstein, Ginsberg, and almost all of the politicians put in office here and all around the world, were indeed, akin to, the line that “hijacked” true lineages of God’s people via “the Wars” they themselves claimed to be victims of but in reality, they were the Initiators, the funders of and the takers from.

Where did they call home prior to 20th Century? The Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Chimera…ironic, isn’t it? If you’ve ever watched Fiddler on the Roof, you see how the villages were made ghost towns by what was really, the Khazarian Mafia, or who we call today, the Zionist. They were not of true “Jewish heritage” therefore, they easily murdered Jews and Gentiles (Goyim) alike. It was these that established Israel, not for the people of God, for God, but for “their god” and “their people” to defile by making it their “Home”. This is why the capital of Israel was Tel-a-Viv (tell a lie) and not Jer-USA-lem. This is why it was a priority to make Jerusalem the capital – it had to be moved and given back to God. This was so much bigger than the world can understand…the real “why” this had to be done when it was.

When the Chabad Lubavitch Movement made their home here in the USA, in Brooklyn in 1951, this country became the home and headquarters of the Cabal (Kabal), leaving in Israel their MOSSAD leaders to initiate “retaliation events” against their enemies or their “accusers and judges” that previously spoke out and against them throughout all those/these years (including today) of the evils being orchestrated, then carried out on/upon the people via these “Holy Leaders”. Ukraine has always since that time, been under their full control, Russia being their hated foes. Israel and the United States, America “Murica” “Merica” (A-Mira-Ca or Miracle) was their “promised land” and the home/land they would make theirs to avenge their ancestors in their “righteous memory”. It’s here the power they welded was hidden and protected via the ignorance of the people who knew nothing of their past and where they really immigrated from. They infiltrated God’s people, their hearts and minds, via the one “sheep” that wondered off, where they then began their initial plan to kill off the rest of the sheeple. It was a long-term movement as they wondered around the world (wilderness) growing, multiplying in numbers, disguising themselves as sheep. This is the true “Wolf in sheep’s clothing”. The Khan, or Con, was still conquering the world as Genghis declared but through the Co-Hans, Cohens, the “co-hands” we now call the Khazars. This is shown in the US by the naming of “Czars” appointed between 2009-2016 – all those who were appointed to lead specific “agendas” during those crucial 8 years of opening the gates to the land, once and for all allowing the wolves entrance into God’s main and major sheep pin…His Promised Land given to all His sheep who sought freedom and peace (“there shall peace in the valley”), was now, sadly and literally, awaiting slaughter, having no clue who their enemy really is (“As I walk  through the valley of the shadow of death…”). What is said “People perish by their lack of knowledge” has never been more true. The dead know nothing – this is the land of the dead. All has been Lost in Translation as the history we’ve been given, was indeed, written by these Wolves of Wall Street. Transformation (trans-formation) was transformed via the Trans-formers, transients transplanted in a land by conning or conquering. How? By the words they wrote, spoke and spread throughout, just like a plague. “The Word” has been used as a weapon with a double-edge; one side’s lies has become another side’s truth. This is why the blind and deaf were healed, will be healed so the whole “Truth” can be “Known” (Who do you say I am?). When the Truth is Known in Whole, not in part, then you too will be Known as God is not the God of the dead, He is the God of the living and until you wake up, rise up and walk, you cannot be healed and if you cannot be healed, then you cannot see the Truth, hear the Truth or follow the Truth, thereby you are not known by The Truth (“I do not know you”). Both sides, the Hands, must come together as one (“Teach us how to pray”).

*EDIT – I EDITED THIS POST & PARAGRAPH & ADDED 4/16/2022: I neglected to add Atilla the Hun to the above-mentioned leader who also was/is a large part of the nomad lineage/truth hijackers above. The Huns as described historically:

Attila, frequently called Attila the Hun, was the ruler of the Huns from 434 until his death in March 453. He was also the leader of a tribal empire consisting of Huns, Ostrogoths, Alans and Bulgars, among others, in Central and Eastern Europe. He is also considered one of the most powerful rulers in world history. Wikipedia (Hun was from Hungary.)

Another Google source notes: Is Attila the Hun Genghis Khan?

Genghis Khan was of pure Mongol ancestry and could have been a very distant descendant of the same race that produced Attila. The Mongols were a nomadic herding people from the Central Asian steppes. Both Attila and Genghis Khan ruled entirely out of fear.

Translation matters. Go to the roots of the names listed above. Lineage matters.





  1. the jaw or a jawbone, especially the lower jawbone in mammals and fishes.
    • either of the upper and lower parts of a bird’s beak.” The drake is all black except for an orange mark on the upper mandible”
    • either half of the crushing organ in an arthropod’s mouthparts.



  1. a particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social group. “this novel is written in the dialect of Trinidad” Similar: regional language local language local tongue local speech local parlance variety of language vernacular patois nonstandard language idiom regionalisms localisms provincialisms lingo local lingo-ese-speak…
    • COMPUTING – a particular version of a programming language.

(Think about the COMPUTING definition per Wikipedia; a particular VERSION of a PROGRAMMING language. This is a tool of manipulation they use when telling us “the Truth”.)

What side or edge the tongue speaks from, the mouth. held up by the “Mandible” (Man-Abel/Able-minded man/Man-dated man), determines your way and your life and who leads you home. (“It’s not what goes in a man’s mouth – but what comes out that defiles him”) (de-fines – de-fends – de-friend). Which God/god is de-fin-ing you (removing the scales); which God/god is de-fend-ing (deafening) you (“hear what the Spirit is saying”) and what God/god is de-friending you (de-Freud-ing) (“A man cannot serve two masters”).    

Right now we are battling the Giants who are devouring the lands – the truth and the lies, the Media. Where is “Media”, the original land? Persia. Who is Michael the Arch Angel battling, keeping him from coming to Daniel in Babylon? The Prince of Persia. This already tells us how the story ends…Michael delivers the Truth. He breaks through. The world will all have Breakthrough but sadly, this comes at different stages to each, some have a “soft” delivery while others opt for the “shake it & break it” form of delivery due to their own doubt – which leads to lack of faith – which wrestles with God to receive instead of just knowing that “Yes – He loves you and He has you so have no fear and never allow doubt of who you are in Him to lead your steps, your words and your life.

You have to ask yourself one question. Who is the crazy one? The one who goes through life and never hears from God? Or, the one who is ridiculed because everything in their life – led them to find that Voice? Why does one go to church, read His Word if not to find His Voice?

The seeker searches and sees what is already known (“Nothing new under the sun”), while the finder rests as he has found what is Unknown (“God is Unknowable, Unnamable…”).

We all must deliver the Christ-child, The Truth. The Earth is giving up what has been buried in her, the truth that has been hidden within the ground. The Roots of the Tree. When the Earth quakes, it’s the Beast rising, the Truth coming into the Light so all can be laid bare, transparent and known. This is the truth of the World. Then, the World will bear-witness to the truth that was transformed and unknown…”All shall see the Glory of the Lord so it shall be on Earth as it is in Heaven”.  


After months of speaking about this book, THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION, and after 4 years discussing the Khazars with “friends” on various social media sites, TODAY I found that the pages regarding this ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM, has been edited as of April 6, 2022. I copied the below edit notation:

This page was last edited on 6 April 2022, at 06:51 (UTC).

What I immediately noticed was the massive over-kill or denial of this book having any truth to it what-so-ever! Let’s just say it looks like the fake fact-checkers (eye roll eye roll eye roll) have been working overtime to discredit Truth once again – hoping their big fat “WARNING WILL ROBINSON” will halt people in their tracks from digging any deeper than what they are declaring. I’ve seen this happen so many times since March 1, 2018, I’m totally in-different to it and to any and all who believe it’s all a bunch of “malarkey”! It’s not! Let me remind people once again that the term “Conspiracy Theory” was in fact, birthed/brought to life/developed and sold to the world by THIS GROUP I AM TALKING ABOUT NOW!

This shows beyond-a-doubt they are (and have been) manipulating the information “truth sites” with their usual “don’t look here – look over there” decades long antics, which sadly, has worked – but no longer! People have to know what occurred, is still occurring and what will continue to occur if we don’t all obtain the knowledge and wisdom to fully grasp the gravity of the deception we all have been taught and continue to live in. I’m just stunned at so many edits to this page.

When there are this many “Turn Around Now” signs on one page – that’s a sure sign the thing they don’t want you to read or see, is in fact, TRUE! This is true! Here is the link – immediately your eyes should see what they don’t want you to.

Each day I tell myself “Be better Mary Beth! Be better than you were yesterday!”

Each night, I look up with a big smile on my face, giddy really, and say “Wow! What a GREAT DAY we had today Lord! Didn’t we have fun? All day long you just ‘put it all out there’ for me! Thank you! YOU ARE SO GOOD I CAN’T STAND IT!! This was SUCH a GREAT DAY, AGAIN!” Seriously. All day long He just goes the distance and allows me to see what has been hidden – HIM. It’s like singing “Let me tell you about my best friend…” as that is exactly how I feel. It’s so good. He’s so good!

Nothing is as shown. Just wait – watch what He is about to do – it’s FANTASTICAL!

Blessings, hugs and love to all! See you soon friends!

Friend of Heaven, Mary Beth

**One more thing, please don’t be afraid of what is about to occur. Do not worry about NESARA/GESARA as being a “bad thing”…it’s not. I made the following recording for my friend Monda in Summer 2021 or 2022. In this, I’m explaining, raw, off-the-cuff WHY this must occur, WHAT the “Gifts” were really for and WHO they were really from. I don’t know if I have this listed public or private (it may have even been up on my playlist for public view, I have no idea)! Please listen to it again!


Higher Divine Learning

(Don’t miss this extended & updated version just posted on 1/12/2022 – IT’S GOOD!)


I can. Ironically, this is what drew me to Juan O’Savin (not his real name of course) – not his cars, not his friends, but his words – the “stories” he tells when answering questions. I talk about roles, masks, people changing sides & name changes, how things are flipped, patterns of events that continually playout, God’s numbers & days – how He uses the same ones in a very precise cycle or coding. I could see The Story or The Plan – how it was going to play out via the Patterns of History or His-Story. He was showing me how “the Heart is the Vessel to God” & it’s refining via Jesus Christ (New Earth) and, the Mind, is “the Way to The Father” via Christ Jesus (SPIRIT) once it too is renewed (New Heaven). I, in my videos from 2013-2018 – told the same stories written in Scripture to describe events and “the players” or “characters” and who/what they really are, or mean.

I wish more people could “hear” what #JuanOSavin is really saying. I do. Do they even know why he tells everyone to take a deep breath? I don’t think so. He is giving them SO MUCH MORE than they can see as all they can hear, which is normal, is “What is going to happen now, here?” I too hear many of them whine, or what I call a whine when really, they’re just tired, frustrated and scared and continually ask “When?” Remember what I said a long time ago about the When? It’s not about that – it’s about “The Why?” On the flip side, many ask “Why Lord, oh Why?” I say to that, stop asking and then He will show you the WAY!

I have to chuckle a bit here as so many great people are streaming channels now, many “in the know”, many “know people in the know” and many just “wanting to know”. As the world is waking up, just like me back in the mid-section of my videos, I ran ahead of the Lord, thinking I knew it. Well, I knew the Layer He gave me was correct, I had NO IDEA JUST HOW MANY LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA I WAS REALLY SWIMMING! Oh yeah, you have to get to the surface of the water, into the “upper light” just to get to “even”, meaning the Truth as was given in the Beginning and should’ve been given to us but was lost in the waters which eventually, run-off into the deep blue Sea! Aha, Paradise!


The Origins – People have to go back to the Origins of all things to understand Truth and Lies (which are today’s Giants or Media), going to the “Root” of each. You have take a stand in that place where ALL sides can be seen just as all sides are seen by God. The Old Testament is Heavenly events that manifested, were birthed in this material, matter-filled “world” & via these Books, God was telling His Story. He is in every single one – find Him. He tells it all. NT is Earthly to Heavenly, back to Spirit – Christ Consciousness or ONE with The FATHER or SOURCE of ALL. We all have to give birth to “the Christ Child” or Truth/TRUTH. What came down in The Beginning, now must Return from which It came. Truth & TRUTH are lower to higher or Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, rising up to Christ Jesus, the Son of God. Origins of words and their true definition, meaning, is a far cry to the translations used and assumed in today’s world as The Truth – was most definitely – Lost in Translation.

This is how I began my journey of Finding the True Heart of God…earthly and believing as every other Christian taught by man, traditions, beliefs, churches, etc., but I crossed those Waters after wondering in that dry desert, in Dec 2014. I was led out of Egypt on January 7, 2005 – meaning I heard “The Call” & that’s the day I reached my hand, head and voice up through the Sea of Glass and said “I HEAR YOU 5:5 – TEACH ME!” He had to break & remove all the “earthly food” (teaching) in order to fill me with His Divine Heavenly Truth (Fruits of the Tree of Life), His Living Water so-to-speak. But before this indwelling, me, His Vessel, had to go through the fire or the kiln to strengthen His Clay, me, in order to hold all that He was about to give, then the final Glazing began – Illumination of His Word(s). After you “see the Light”, you then “become The Light”.

My Vessel is ready to be used to pour out that which is Good. Everyone now needs to “know their time of visitation” as it’s One-on-one before it’s a “group event”, while understanding too, it’s the Group “Event” that begins the REAL ONE-ON-ONE time in the Higher Divine Spiritual Realms of Truth. The Bible is our Survival Guide, inspired by God Himself, in the lives of the people He chose to write it; inspired to give life to that which occurred in the Spirit realm, now birthed in this world. It is the same today. Find Him! Find inspiration in those “telling His-Story” today. The Inspired Word of God has already told us where to walk, what happens if you take this path or that road, and especially, how it all plays out, beginning to end. He led the way in – He leads the way out. What was birthed here via the waters of The Womb-man (womb), now must be birthed going up through the Waters of Life. This is the true “Birth Canal”. Everyone needs to be Resurrected in that all must wake up, rise up, get up, stand up and walk to the Path that leads us Home, transforming our spirit, body & soul so when we hear His Voice, The TRUTH, we know Him as we can truly hear “what the Spirit is saying”.

*[Again, for clear translation – these are the “7 unclean spirits” that were removed from “the woman” Mary M. who you must see as “The Church Bride” here on earth. The Seven-Fold Spirits of Heaven cannot be poured out (rained down upon) into an earthly church bride (believer) until the Earthly/Worldly teaching has been removed. Kissing of the forehead is blessing the mind, forethought, the “apple of His eye” to receive His greatest gift – HIM/TRUTH. Mary M. is a level of understanding all must see without judgment due to a pre-conceived belief taught to you by men. Every “bride” has to be cleansed and the removal of the 7 earthly helpers must be removed so the Heavenly 7-Fold Spirits of Truth given from the Tree of Life can be received and fed to His “Bride”. Again, this was Jesus as The Christ raising His Disciples up to Apostles; He was filling their now-empty-vessels with the Divine Teachings of His Kingdom – Love. Once this occurs, the Truth takes root and grows (as does a child in the womb – hence ‘Come to me all ye small children’) as the woman in labor, is in fact, the Bride of Christ who gives birth to THE TRUTH, THE CHRIST CHILD. Again, the crossing of the waters (words, truths, beliefs, traditions, etc.) in which Mary M. crosses, leads to a land where the birth occurs. In the Lost Gospels, the Gospel of Mary M., the child she bore was a girl, Sophia. Who is Sophia? Pistis Sophia is the the Faith & Wisdom of God, so give birth to Divine Wisdom as this child will be your Savior. Understand now? The True Wisdom of Christ has been hidden within the earth, kept secret, why? As in the Beginning, this daughter too would have been “raped”, meaning her great beauty, or her Light, would have been snatched away, defiled and sold in pieces around the world or kept in the prisons within the earth permanently here. Remember rape going back to it’s original translation, means the truth/light of God that was sent down to “rest upon the earth” (we are also the earth), but because her beauty was seen by those cut-off from Heavenly realms and the Main Source, which, left them in a “learning limbo”, and having no higher ‘divine’ discernment, they tore her apart and shared her throughout the land with the other ‘men’. This is the Higher Divine Truth being sent down to show the way Home only to be raped by the beastly men who had no understanding of the Message and Messenger it held captive, and in this ignorance, began sharing a defiled “word” with the world. God, His Truth, His Light, His Love, His Word has since been taught by the lower-level, unconnected and cut-off souls whose spirit of the dead in the Land of the Dead, could not give life to the Spirit of the Living or “Body of Christ” as dead men can’t give life until they themselves rise from the dead to the Land of the Living. Jesus Christ himself showed this Himself when the Jordan river reversed it’s flow and began to move up stream at the exact moment he arose from the river’s water after being baptized by John. (Bigger higher deeper meaning to that parable right there – I hope you see it.) Again, as He then walked the desert wilderness for 40 days and nights, He took no food (earthly word) as it was the Divine Heavenly Gifts/Food of the Seven-fold Spirits sent down/given by THE FATHER upon the water, that is showing/telling what we can do when the lifeless deaf, dumb and blind crippled demons our “body” takes in here, is removed as stated above. Jesus then goes out into the dry land to battle Satan, overcoming the noise and taunting he does throughout that time. He let His “feet” do the walking and the Waters of Life do the talking (hence ‘just be and let Me do’). Understand, He showed the way using the Gifts The Father gave, indwelled in Him…this is the way our feet need to walk and how our Man-able (mandible) should be speaking His words of Life. Understand the REAL STORY hidden within His-Story. History. It’s time for the Man, the Woman and the Child to reunite and become ONE.]

We are still in the wilderness and by all accounts, all we are doing is trying to take down Satan, the enemy, with his own teaching or word he himself spread throughout the land, the world – us. How is that going to work?

Watch and see what Jesus is doing as it has already begun. Light has come into the world to shed His Light on that which resides in darkness (unknown Higher Knowledge & Wisdom) or the Daughter. She is the captive. Why do you think the lands of Persia or Media keep women/daughters or all females really, hidden behind black veils? Why are they pushing for this worldwide? To keep the earth and us in darkness, never allowing Her, the Daughter, to be known. She must be known.

This is how you conquer the darkness and the fear it houses. You shine Light on it all. This is how Babylon falls. This is what was behind the walls of Jericho – the walls of your heart that hold unforgiveness, hate, unforgiveness, etc., as this is the dark that keeps out the light. Who is your God/god when you walk in the darkness, never allowing light in? Who was released when Joshua knocked down the Walls of Jericho? Rehab. Rehab was their “helper” behind the walls that helped release those held captive there. The world calls her a harlot, a prostitute, but really, she was there protecting her brother and trying to find a way to lead him out to a safe place, safely. She did and she married Joshua – so who is Rehab and who is Joshua really? Please understand the words you are reading every day of your life because if you don’t, those days will be shortened, very shortly.

The cracking of the foundations we’ve all stood firmly on for 10’s, 100’s and 1000’s of years had to occur in order for the people of the world to be jolted out of their “dead sleep”, to OPEN THEIR EYES when the “quaking” began in order for them to see what was under those cracks! Once the shining of the light began exposing what was hidden right under our feet, this is when a “transformation” in the people should’ve began, worldwide. It should not have been this hard to rise up and walk! Unfortunately, walking on an unlit, dark path with already sleepy-sluggish, unsteady feet, minds are unclear which causes confusion, thereby ultimately allowing fear to be the leader in where you go from there. Where do we go from there? The Valley of Decision.

You must choose wisely as this Valley defines very important decisions you made/make in this life of “free will” that was given. Whose “will” did you do?

When Fear is leading your steps, its really the “spirit” you are following that has now replaced “The Holy Spirit” that anoints the Throne of Heaven. Fear is not of God, our GOD, so what god are you under, following, trusting when Fear takes dominion? Your Mind, in all its fogginess, cannot think clearly so it looks to the “Minds” around it, gravitating to the ones yelling the loudest! This would be the Mind of Man (it’s a “Man’s World”) or “Men of Renown”. People have made here, in this time, life-altering decisions which will have heavy repercussions in the very near future. Their decision was based not on facts – but by fears. Instead of digging deep within those wide open, now exposed cracks, trusting The Counselor within, The Holy Spirit, in which standing firm in their faith in God, and WHO HE IS, trusting He will direct our feet to “The Path” that leads us safely Home. This scenario most definitely describes “The Blind leading the Blind”.

*Renown – Men who were known? Men who know are “re-known”? Is this a “retouching” of sorts? Just as it was then, it will be again, the end as in the beginning. You will have men of renown being known, being seen and my guess, as in the 1st 10 Generations, there will 10 who are “in the know”.

Trust your Heart! How many battled with the decision to receive a jab (which contains 71 poisons and is being tested on the people worldwide) still in it’s clinical trials/experiments? How many bypassed their nagging heart – pleading to the mind “don’t do this…” while the mind, ignored those pleas because the “Mind’s of Men” played the “Fear Factor” Reality Show 24/7. A mind that has not been renewed with the Knowledge & Wisdom hidden in plain sight, refusing to listen to the Voice within our body as that’s where we feel the Truth down to our core, our Soul, has in ignorance, being led by a manifested or man-infiltrated/infilled “fear”, is the cause for it’s own Tribulation. So instead of rejoicing in Tribute & Elation, people are now standing in the valley – Valley of Decision – as to see where they go from there. This is a true division of the sheep and goats. All you have to do is stomp the head of that snake. Stop listening to the world and all it’s teachings/truths.


The tools – they are available to all of us and they teach us how to cross the mine fields to safety, every single day. These are a Gift. They are a Divine Heavenly Knowledge & Wisdom that strengthens us each and every day. They are there to show us how NOT TO REACT IN THE FLESH and when we do, the roads we walk over and over until the lesson is learned. We don’t get to say when that walk in over, God does. We must learn to fight in the Spirit so you can see behind the curtain, gaining Heavenly sight and hearing which enables us to defeat the enemy in his schemes before he defeats us. Unfortunately, people have lost confidence in WHO they are, WHY they are here, WHERE they really come from, crippling them and taking them out of the Battle of ALL Battles, leaving them to miss the most spectacular time talked and written about since the world as we know it, began. The Great Awakening is not a movement – IT IS THE MOVEMENT! It is the true #ArtOfWar.

As many videos as I’ve done on the Media, or Media (Persia) and how it’s not to be followed, believed and who owns it, people still BELIEVE what it is showing them and telling them. Scripted events, remember, that is what the “world” wants “the people of the world” to see, hear and believe! The World is not your/our/my friend!

Since 2013, I’ve talked about Patterns, biblical and historical patterns that repeat over and over. The Bible, or Scripture, is on-going so this means that each Book, each Event, each Parable is continual. The Bible is for each individual soul – one-on-one – and each word in there is directed as a personal teaching by The Author Himself. When you read it – see it as God Himself being the Narrator of His Own Story – History, and the Holy Spirit His Messenger, His Breath, His Messenger that carry’s THE TRUTH hidden within His-Story written by Man. Take man out of the picture and let the TRUTH be given, directly inserted into His Temple from GOD THE FATHER as He cuts through the numerous words (babble) added by men throughout time. Be like a small child who is sitting on their Father’s lap, head resting on His shoulder, while He reads to His Child.

Every cycle of day counts, repeats. Every character (except a few) in each Book, is revived and is cycled back into the next portion of “time”. I went through so many stories and characters, the roles they played, the “likenesses” etc., and said how many times throughout my videos, “Now, who is ________?” I’ve said 100’s of times, things are not going to go as all were taught by the Church, it’s flipped. Do your own homework! You have to learn to have a pliable heart and start all over at the Beginning. You have to let God be your Teacher, not man! But, here we are and so so so many, none the wiser. Paul. Be Paul. I sound like a broken record. Our foundation that we were taught from, has always been cracked, uneven and actually, deadly if you continue to stand there. A Heavenly structure was made by Earthly contractors, materials and supplies. It cannot hold the Solid State weight of TRUTH! Fear once again kept its sheeple in the dark when the Church told them all not to seek out, study, learn or even dare read any Scriptures, teachings – that was not in the Canon. While they hid the Scrolls, writings, truths that would indeed give God’s Children simple and confirming knowledge and wisdom that would make climbing that mountain and crossing into all God’s Promises an attainable joyful goal all could achieve, they kept in and taught to all the “Wide Gate” teaching and the stories that made us all FEAR God more than LOVE Him. We learned to Love Him out of Fear…because we were too fearful to listen to the Voice within us saying “Go ahead, go read that!” instead looking at that act as one of rebellion, when it is not. It is us actively searching for the True Heart of God and His Truth, His Everything. Once again, the NOISE and VOICES of Men, kept us from making the most important decisions of our life, for OUR LIFE!


I lost many of my subscribers about 5/6 years ago when I began to see that it was the “sister” or the female that held The Father’s Light, Truth. That it was the Feminine side that was not only the Destroyer of the truth, but the Deliverer of The Truth. To cut this down for this post, basically, the Rib has to go back into the Man. The Spirit and The Soul both must rise up together in their Divine Heavenly Wisdom/Gifts and become ONE with THE FATHER again!

The female was hidden throughout time. Jacob’s daughter Dinah, considered the 13th child (who was raped by the King of the H. Haman also had a daughter he hid under a veil, she was told she was no beauty so she was discarded. He had no use for her. But, she did become friends with Esther. The female was told not to speak, be seen or to be of any importance in this Man’s World. You must always look at these descriptions on a Heavenly Spiritual platform of understanding first before seeing it in the natural fleshly form.

Basically, she is Tower 7, the “Sister Tower” that held the Truth and the Gold as she sat behind her two brothers, The Twin Towers who always over-shadowed her – keeping her from being seen. No one really noticed her yet she was the one they were really after. She held it all! Think about this for a bit.

THE RAPE OF DINAH/DINA, DAUGHTER OF JACOB (This is very important to read; a Game Changer for those the understanding of Lost in Translation as this story, is its definition. Let me show you the real Origin of the words below, then read the 3 different versions.)

When Shechem son of Hamor the Hivite, the ruler of that area, saw her, he took her and raped her. When Shechem son of Hamor the Hivite, prince of the region…


Shechem asked his father to obtain Dinah for him, to be his wife. Hamor came to Jacob and asked for Dinah for his son: “Make marriages with us; give your daughters to us, and take our daughters for yourselves. You shall dwell with us; and the land shall be open to you.” Shechem offered Jacob and his sons any bride-price they named. But “the sons of Jacob answered Shechem and his father Hamor deceitfully, because he had defiled their sister Dinah”; they said they would accept the offer if the men of the city agreed to be circumcised.

So the men of Shechem were deceived, and were circumcised; and “on the third day, when they were sore, two of the sons of Jacob and Leah, Simeon and Levi, Dinah’s brothers, took their swords and came upon the city unawares, and killed all the males. They slew Hamor and his son Shechem with the sword, and took Dinah out of Shechem’s house, and went away.” And the sons of Jacob plundered whatever was in the city and in the field, “all their wealth, all their little ones and their wives, all that was in the houses.”

“Then Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, ‘You have brought trouble on me by making me odious to the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites and the Perizzites; my numbers are few, and if they gather themselves against me and attack me, I shall be destroyed, both I and my household.’ But they said, ‘Should he treat our sister as a harlot?'” (Genesis 34:31).

Now, please click this link and read the 3 various Bible Translations as I mention below each leaves you with a different interpretation of how the story is told.

As I was looking up the exact tribe (Hittite or Hivite) this event played out in (Hivite) I began to read various versions of this scripture. Each one reads completely different. DIFFERENT! I told you what the Heavenly definition of rape was originally, non-corporal I guess you could call it. Know knowing this fact, or understanding, read and reread these digested words and they utterly tell each their own story, meaning you can see when the word “rape” itself was made manifest in this world, into a physical act. You can tell this by how the readers views changed with them throughout time. The definition changed with the act “being committed in the material world realm”. The farther away from the Father’s Original Word, which was good as all things are “Good” that are Originally Created by THE CREATOR, return too back from whence they came. They too, those that defiled and trampled the Pure Word of God, will even be, eventually, taken back Home and made Good.

Man is to blame for all the events, good and bad, that occur in this world and in their own life as they are the ones responsible for defining just what those words meant! With each new Soul trend, comes a lower level of understanding. It becomes stronger toward the darkness, gets more comfortable faster because the farther you get away from the father, or Origins, the more quickly forgetfulness occurs. How many generations are we from the Beginning, the TRUE ORIGIN? That’s a lot more time in the darkness than the light. We had a lot of darkness to fight through than if we were closer to the median of the light. Think about that for a long second?

Spoiler Alert: These are the layers of dross Jesus is delivering you from. He is taking you to Midian – Middle, what some will call Paradise. Of course it’s Paradise compared to the level of darkness we just came from! Of course it’s beyond our belief and imagination something could be just that wonderful! Remember, He just brought you to the Midian. This was Moses Paradise before being called by God to release the slaves. He was taught to be a Shepherd by Zipporah, one of the seven daughters of Jethro. (Zipp-or-ah makes me think she taught Moses with a zipped mouth, meaning Mind to Mind, Heart to Heart, a connection other than verbal.) Any-who, stay with me, remember we haven’t even began to climb up ALL the other Realms, layers of layers of Light, Lights getting brighter and brighter with each step so imagine if you will, HOW GOOD IS THAT DEFILED WORD BIRTHED BY THE CREATOR LIGHT GOING TO BE ONCE IT ARRIVES BACK HOME IN THE FATHER? Perfect just as the SOURCE who birthed it. Nothing can come back void, it all climbs the Ladder of Light where each Light fills its Original Truth inside it.

When you think you are in Paradise – look up because you’ve just arrived at The Truth. There’s layers to behold as you understand each Layer of TRUTH. This is where what you do counts. This is the Even-Playing Field where your way has been made straight. Keep going, you’re not HOME yet. But, each once in the Light, can stop in whatever “Kingdom” they wish as it’s all “God’s Kingdom” and the Light shines on them all. There’s where Enlightenment will begin for those that didn’t find it or begin their journey to be enlightened here. The more awake you are here, the Higher the Light of Teaching you’ll gravitate to. But don’t fear as His Mercy or what we call “Saved by Grace” is what takes every one of His creations (only His not Man’s) to that Paradise or Midian as that is where “Grace” takes you, that’s what you were promised. That’s a wonderful thing, look what it did for Moses? The only thing bad was that Moses was in such a “I love everyday of my life” state, he forgot about the enslaved Israelites in Egypt. He forgot their pain or plight while he was in his happiness. When Joshua made it to the Mt. after escaping his shackles, he found Moses, even though he was half dead. “Moses! There’s a Man in the sheep!” It wasn’t until Joshua “awakened Moses from his bliss” and remembered his fellow Israelites, that he “heard God on the Mt.” He began to walk up to see that strange fire for himself. Note here: Strange fire – look up the Origins of each word.

Here’s the Door or the Time opening to Higher understanding for those who were awakened and have ears to hear Him say “Walk through this Door!” Now, one step closer to that PURE ALL LIGHT SOURCE! Another candle lit on your Menorah. Another “Unsealing”, something unknown, became Known. Another Tribute and Elation. More Gifts! Finally, you’ll be standing at the Altar of God as a fully lit Lampstand as you’ve a fully lit Menorah and you are seen. You are KNOWN! This was a processional as the cleansed Bride begins her walk up the Isle. As she “marches” along, the more she unseals, the more Lights become lit, brighter the flames. She is ON FIRE by both the truth & the lies hidden and exposed – her flames never went out (she didn’t stop for rest, she didn’t get caught off guard believing a exposed lie was truth or via versa…she never waived in her Faith. She did not become distracted from the Path she had set Light to and would get back to. She gets the good with the bad at each unveiling of the Heavenly Kingdoms, the branches and the roots. She’s on Fire for God, the Truth and she’s on FIRE for justice – she’s actually Level on the Scales, therefore the “weight” is evenly yoked. Finally, her bouquet is on Fire (garments being removed, burning of the fields and means also she will now be dressed as a Lily or flower of the field. Clean Garments! Do you understand what I’m saying here? That’s the final “Ring of Fire” before you are “raptured” up (skipping walking, God has come to carry you HOME Himself because you’ve been proven right by your actions. Light was shown upon all that was hiding in the Dark and we know that all that was in dark has to come to the Light regardless. Don’t fight the process or you’ll have to stop at each Level, staying there longer than needed but as long as needed until your flame of that “lesson” is lit. Don’t let the flames go out – keep pure oil in your lampstand so at all times, you’re ready! Don’t miss the train that takes you shopping! This should give sense to the “Eyes were as flames of fire…”.

It let Truth be known…so who again are the “Men of Renown”? Who is Known? YOU ARE NOW KNOWN!

*Reminder: ARK means in Hebrew “a Word”. The ARK too, was split apart in 3 pieces. Noah hid himself and his family in “A Word”. There are 3 parts to the “Word”. Were there 3 floors to the ARK Noah built? Is that 3 Dimensions? 3 Parts? 3 Levels? Is it Earth? Is it 3 Books? It’s 123ABC…It’s 3 Layers. Who made the Earth? Think about these – Patterns/Parables. Signs. Wonders. Or, Past, Present, Future? Both or ALL!

Try reading the first 5 Books of the Old Testament and the Last 5 Books of the New Testament. Remember the Translation matters. Also, when you figure out the layers above regarding Noah’s Ark, think about which “part” or land each son was given? That is a clue to what they inherited to oversee, multiply, built up, live on etc., especially place it in today’s understanding, then you’ll know just what the 3 Parts are.


This is the Revolt we are fighting right now. Realize, we are The Temple and now the foreign idol or foreign god the enemy wants placed here, is the 71 poisons – The Jab. The V A C C I N E! Once this foreign object is placed within our body, when it works the way it was designed (with an alien intelligence), it will eventually, with each new “booster” that follows, kill the Abel-minded (Abel) man all over again. The Right brain is our able-minded side that makes us who we are from inception. It’s our Spiritual internal/eternal Voice within that leads us Home. It’s the Voice I spoke of above. The Left brain is Cain. The external worldly fleshly side that is the follower, student of Man. Abel is the creative, intuitive side – he leads his brother’s feet to the Path Home, off of this plane or Prison Planet basically. But, if Cain kills Abel again, which is what the vax will do as it will shut down the Right side of our brain so we will only follow the external voice of the god of this world and like Cain, wonder, walk too and from nowhere to nowhere.

I am sorry for those who received this. I do not know if they have a cure – yet. I do know they have Med-Beds and yes, they are real. Personally, I believe (as I’ve said in the past 4 years now), that it will be the CLAP or THUNDER of God that will be the Miracle Wave throughout the entire Earth that will heal ALL of the people…at least to a point. There’s been so much damage done to so many – I see the Mighty Hand of God and in His “Divine Movement of Energy” or “Light”, healing will be worldwide. He is a GOOD GOD and we’ve all been deceived right out of the gate. It will be, I believe, after this, after making it an even playing field for His Children, that this is when the True Hearts of Men will be judged. That is when the Eternal/LIGHT/SOURCE/Holy of HOLIES SPIRIT will be given as THE ULTIMATE GIFT and this is the Narrow Gate very few enter. God has this. It’s His Plan. Don’t fear whatever you do. That’s what got you into this mess! Refine your Hearts and renew your Minds as that is what saves you as you will then be able to obtain that which has been cut off, the Divine Knowledge & Wisdom through your total unshakeable Faith.

This is the story of the Maccabees. But good news, next is the splitting of the Temple Veil where the Scroll is held. The Truth. Then after this, the Christ Child is born. We all deliver (after being given the full Truth that was hidden behind the Temple veil) or give birth to the Child of Truth – it just depends on what Truth/truth you believe, which is “your” truth? This is why so many “babies” born were killed/slaughtered – they were looking for the Christ Child, the TRUE CHILD OF GOD, THE TRUTH, THE WAY AND THE LIFE! This is why the barren and fertile wombs held importance and meaning – not like we think.

The Truth that we deliver, is the Lamps that give light to the Path for #TheFeet to carry you Home, not only for ourselves, but for all others. #TheLampstands

Jesus is not coming as everyone thinks – meaning the form. The Earth is being cleansed right now – as Heaven is coming down. The Kingdom of Heaven is Love. This is the Kingdom Jesus spoke of and where He was from. On Earth as it is in Heaven is getting closer and closer each moment – all lies must be exposed and all truths told. When the Gold is “put back into the Lands”, that means that God has taken His place back in His Land. He’s back! The enemy removed Him, now He, is removing the enemy.

Get ready for the days of darkness ahead – the unplugging of the god of the world’s “internet” or computer systems and the “plugging-in” of GOD THE FATHER’S SYSTEM! #Tesla #ChristLove #FestivalOfLights is us. Remember what I said the darkness was above? What is hidden that must come into the Light. The “Plugging-in” is pulling-out of something Known, to Know THE UNKNOWN, UNKNOWABLE, UNNAMABLE, TO INFINITY AND BACK! That’s when you reside in the TRUE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN & ALL THE HEAVENLY KINGDOMS!


One last note to add…soon all those that are supposedly “dead” (I’ve talked about this before) will be coming out. Each one, I called way back. Why? How did I know so much that insiders are slowly releasing now? I didn’t get it from them. I follow all roads that lead to the True Heart of God. They were all not only on my Path, but everyone’s Path! Their stories are inspired to tell a portion of His Story, History. I’ve been sitting back quietly, patiently listening, tears streaming down my face in joy! Not because of a #IToldYouSo – but because I heard HIM! I followed where HE LED ME! I KNOW HIM! That’s why I cry. That’s why I’ve been holding my words back – the world is catching up and maybe there’ll be a better person than I, that will be able to explain, what I could not. We are all a piece of the puzzle. All of US!

I have great Hope that something I have said has given you that “UMPH” at some point to help get over the top of that Mountain you were crossing in/at the time you needed it! Thank you friends, I love you and I’ll see you all soon! UMPH!!!!! I’ll always be there to help you over the top…just take my hand when you’re ready!

Big days ahead! The Best is yet to come!

Mary Beth – Friend of Heaven, RED BIRD FLYING


The Movie and The Plan – and the Players

As I have been reviewing my videos this past year or so, I noticed that I am constantly referring to “The Stage, The Script, The Masks, The Play, The Movie and how in the end, masks will come off, credits rolled and the final bow.

The saying “The past tells the future” or “Hindsight is 20/20” has never been more true than it is today. If that is true, how is it that so many are in the dark of what is really going on and why are there so many (and I mean many) who cannot see what so many can? Most don’t really know how to read “The Script” and therefore, remain clueless of the who, what, where, when and how. People do not truly know what the words they read mean…at least not as they were given and formed in the Beginning.

Before I get into this today, please know that each side of the coin has a plan. A Mirror to the others. Remember this too, if we have a leader who is really the bad guy, then the enemy they speak of is the good guys. The spirit over the land THAT leader rules over, can then call good evil and evil good. This is why The Great Awakening across not only this land, but the world, has to be done collectively, together as One, so the Spirit of the Nation, of The People, can rise up and BE THE VOICE – therefore good becoming the majority rule. Change of heart, change of mind, this results in the change of spirit to either one of blessings or one of curses.

How do we know this is true? Oh come on man, sing along with me “…cause the Bible tells me so!” That’s right. It’s all right there in the Script (Scriptures) as God is telling us history, or His Story. He’s in every story in those Books and He is telling what happened to this one and that one, the cursed land, the blessed land as He has basically given a complete tutorial of who He is, how it started and how it ends. He tells us how His Word was stolen, defiled and corrupted.

The Hidden History Of The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia

+ Your Source for Patriot News and World Reports+


You’re not going to like what I’m about to say here. We’ve been programmed. We’ve been programmed not to condemn, blame, accuse nor feel hate for this enemy, therefore leaving so many in a completely confused state-of-mind or on “defense”, acting defensively toward this group…the Jews. We are told to bless Israel and it’s from the Jews we received the Words of Jesus. Not all men born of Jewish women are Jews.

I’m speaking of the Ashkenazic Jew. This is the one that for the past few thousand years, wondered up into Turkey, had more of Atilla The Hun leadership which then settled in the Eastern European area – Kazakhstan. I am not saying all of Kazakhstan is bad! I’m saying, within the last 500-700 years, the “Elite Jewry” of today, those holding highest offices and leadership positions around the world, migrated from this area. They were so bad, Russia told them to “Pick a religion or religious association –
Christianity, Judaism or Islam – you have to pick one!” They chose Judaism. This is the group that was literally, kicked out of every village, town and country they lived due to the killing of Gentile children. This is the same group that invented the word “antisemitism”. This is the group (I won’t call them a tribe as that gives them too much respect) that not only hated Israel, then Russia, but came to the United States to lead in its collapse. Actually, they’ve moved on from here, onto India and China as they’ve portioned out or sucked dry this land, or so they think. They own Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, Kiev as these areas are known as their homeland, where they hold roots and where most all migrated from prior to entering the USA. But don’t forget, the originally began their journey from the Ashkenazic area in the original land of Israel.

These are known as the Khazars or Khazarian Jews. If you’ve been with me since the beginning of this journey, you’ll remember back in 2013-2014 I kept saying “something happened in Eastern Europe, there was a change, a switch, a form a hijacking of the true Jewry/lineage, something!” This was it. As I continued my study of the Biblical and Historical Patterns, this is exactly what I was seeing occur as I was researching beginning to end, or to now. I can say with 100% clarity that every person of power that dictates the policy procedures, changes, budgets, on-going “allied support” (AL-LIED) with specific countries but using back-door deals, I have found that their “roots” are from this exact area.

I would go to Chabad dot org to view the Jewish calendar every day, to see the recorded events they held very near to their heart and I’ve read each day’s noted history & historical event, per them, enough times to know it thoroughly. As I said too, it’s their Holy REBBE or Rabbi lines. This is your Lubavitch Movement.

Demographics of Central Asia - Wikipedia
Explore Kazakhstan - Horizon Guides


Country in Central Asia



Kazakhstan, a Central Asian country and former Soviet republic, extends from the Caspian Sea in the west to the Altai Mountains at its eastern border with China and Russia. Its largest metropolis, Almaty, is a long-standing trading hub whose landmarks include Ascension Cathedral, a tsarist-era Russian Orthodox church, and the Central State Museum of Kazakhstan, displaying thousands of Kazakh artifacts. ― Google

Astana (Nur-Sultan) - The world's weirdest capital city (Kazakhstan) -  YouTube
Kazakhstan's Futuristic Finance Center Becomes Breeding Ground For New  Fintech
Kazakhstan lifts visa requirements to boost tourism, investment - News -  Emirates24|7
Astana Kazakhstan - The New World Order Secret City Unveiled. — Steemit
Astana, Kazakhstan | Aerial images, Aerial, City
Astana, Kazakhstan | Aerial images, Aerial, City
PRESS RELEASE: Doing Business in Kazakhstan conference | Stelios Americanos
Landscape Design in Astana,... - Architecture & Design | Facebook

Look at that city! Astana, Kazakhstan was the elites future home (via the futuristic layout and buildings). This is where they had planned to “call home” once more prior or during their destruction plan of the world.

When was that to happen?

These are the “rabble” that snuck in just as they did back during the Exodus. I will get deeper in this in the next week.

Hillary Clinton Donna Brazile Meme - Meme Walls
(This above QUOTE was taken from an email to her DNC chair Donna Brazile – it is not fake news – it is true.)


Remember, Hillary Clinton was not supposed to lose! She was to win 2016 & 2020 and cross the finish line; 2018 would have been the time circa the Nuclear explosion would have occurred (hence all the Uranium One exposure and Ukraine news) using North Korea as the scapegoat where the launch would take place, all directed by our own CIA, heads of major tech companies, and of course, our own president, Hillary. We ran North Korea. It was ran by our own Deep State CIA – they only did what they were made to do.

We are the bad guys. Dropping a Nuclear BOMB on your own people, then blaming Russia, thereby causing major RED BUTTON panic, bombs being launched back and forth, this was the plan – the US leading the way.

This was the concrete game plan. Do you think they really had a Healthcare plan? Were they really worried about Social Security, Medicare or our 401k’s? No. Had they won, we would not even be here right now.

What we’ve experienced for the last 4 years, has been (((them))) trying desperately to launch the end as was planned, over 100 plus years ago. How mad were they? How mad are they still? They had been corrupting our (and other countries around the world) elections since Clinton, most definitely, and probably, much longer than that. Obama was to leave us vulnerable by taking down our Military (cutting funding, troops, etc.), allowing massive Muslim Brotherhood members to be placed in major authoritative positions, setting up the shell accounts that drained the USA dry. Then, she would drill the wooden stake into the Heart of America and Americans during that last leg of the race.

Do you think it’s coincidence the United Kingdom, German and Lithuania all had women leaders? Hillary was to be the fourth. (FYI: Teresa May – Angela Merkel – Dalia Grybauskaitė are all related? Who was their father?) Are the sisters? Cousins?

No, this image doesn't show Merkel, May and the Lithuanian president  hanging out as teenagers - Full Fact
Men Must Rule
Hillary Clinton would’ve been the 4th.
The “fact-checkers” and trolls were out in droves when this hit the airwaves! They made sure they swamped (pun intended) all the search engines with THIS IS NOT TRUE lines noted by each. The fact is, yes, they could’ve easily been relatives and/or friends growing up together…regardless of what country they were from. You’ll find all this hidden truth in the very near future – it’s call Declass. That is why their burning the country down right now – they want everyone’s attention off the real story – them! I personally in the past 14 years have dug into these lineages, especially HRC’s and anyone who held any notable office. I did my homework. Hillary’s family line – that in itself is just one connection after another.

I started with her grandmother Della Murray Howell Rosenberg. Wow. Food for thought – they were too from the Chicago, Northern Illinois area as was Max Rosenberg, her second husband. Funny, Ethel & Julius Rosenberg also came from this vicinity and the timing was perfecto! Her husband Edwin Howell, his roots were traced back through Canada, New France, France then England. He was related to LaMarche’s, McCartney’s (as in Paul McCartney) and even straight to Camilla Parker Bowls Windsor, but these are just a few. Again, I did my homework. I’m not going on what I read or what someone told me. I believe too, that Ghislane Maxwell is from the French/Canadian LaMarche/Roche line also. Funny, Paul McCartney’s deceased wife, Linda Eastman’s real last name was Epstein (her father changed in prior to coming to the US from Germany). What was the Beatles first manager’s name? Oh yeah, Brian Epstein. Do you really think this was just coincidence? Really? Don’t forget the Beatles song “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer” that you can find on the Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band LP. Better yet, go to YouTube and search for it under Steven Martin & Maxwell’s Silver Hammer…it’s some video!

Reuters on Twitter: "UK would leave the EU on Australia terms if no deal  reached, Johnson tells Merkel… "

Real quick – let’s just take a glance at Obama’s grandmother Madelyn Payne Durham.

Urban Oasis: Bless You, Madelyn Dunham!
Ponca City, We love you: Obama's Mother, Grandparents lived in Oklahoma  before Hawaii
Could be just me – but this woman has an uncanny resemblance to Ava Braun, Hitler’s wife. Don’t say “But Hitler died at the end of WWII!” No he did not and the White House, has Declassified all the files regarding Hitler and his real story. He fled to Argentina. Yes, he did have children. He lived to be an elderly man, I believe dying around 1976/1977. Do your own homework and you’ll find all you need.
A Package Deal
I’m not saying Ava Braun is Obama’s grandmother, but I’m not saying I don’t think she could be! Everything and I mean EVERYTHING we think we know, we don’t. History will have to be rewritten. Who wrote the history books? They did. Why is this important? Because all truth that is hidden in the dark, must come to light and be exposed…”On Earth as it is in Heaven” means just that.

We brought the Third Reich to the United States after the war. Those they say were dead, they were in fact, very much alive. Why is that important now? Because it’s their off-spring, their children that were put in major political offices in this country.

Back to my original story…


Knowing this was their “End Game”, it was General Flynn and Admiral Rogers who knew the details and knew they had to be stopped. Actually, the White Hats (good guys) have known for quite some time and they themselves, had a plan of their own.

An excellent army is able to do their job without causing chaos in the lives of the people they took an oath to protect. Just because we don’t see what is going on, doesn’t mean it’s not happening…it means they are great at what they do! We have been at war and we have lost many many men within the past 2 years alone but their deaths are unknown to the world, or the “real” story of how they died is not known to the regular Joe’s & Jane’s (us).

The truth of what has been occurring underground and above the sky, will be known shortly, along with ALL TRUTHS being unveiled and the wrongs being made right.



Well, here is what I know:

  1. Elvis Presley – Alive
  2. Michael Jackson – Alive
  3. John F. Kennedy, Jr. – Alive
  4. Carolyn Bessette Kennedy – Alive
  5. Princess Diana – Alive

Plus many many more. It’s okay if you don’t believe me, but you, me, we are all watching a movie. Yes, yes we are.


This is where much of the filming of the “Biden Administration” is done, along with Red Castle Studios in Hollywood. It’s all being done via CGI, Green Screen, actors and masks.

Just Google “Joe Biden green screen” and look how the “fact-checkers” have one after another “FALSE – NO GREEN SCREEN” on almost every other picture/video posted where people have caught the flaws, mistakes and the CGI glitches. The stairs he takes to walk up and onto Air Force 1? Steps are real, green screen at the top. He is not riding around on AF1, as President Trump still has it! How about the video of him walking to Marine One? You hear the copper noise, but none of the blades are on. How about his hand going through the reporter’s microphone? I could go on and on but I’ll only add one more…the Oval Office wall seam cracks…the set wasn’t completely holding you could say. How about the reporters asking Circle Back girl if Biden was in the Oval Office that morning and her clearly answering “Yes”, then the reporter saying, “But, there is no Marine standing by the door?” You see, when the President of the United States is in his office there, a Marine is ALWAYS guarding his door!

It’s all a movie!

The White House? A Grand Southern Mansion? Tyler Perry's New Studios Sets  Are Mind Blowing | The Crusader Newspaper Group
Tyler Perry’s White House at his 310 acre studio in Atlanta. Go look up the pictures of the interior…Oval Office.

Castle Rock Studios, California

Fact check: Joe Biden's inauguration was real and well-documented

Again, you will have the “fact-checkers” FAKE stamp covering every inch of this but this too, is true and it is not false. The White House in DC is dark. No movement. Biden is not there at least not “officially” and all of his pressers and meetings have been held in Studio City or Atlanta.

CASTLE ROCK: New Theory Says Biden Is On Movie Set, Not In White House in  2021 | Castle rock, White house, Castle

More on this later this week. Goodnight, I’m exhausted as I have this post and about 5 others I’ve not finished and please, do your own homework! It’s almost time for Big Daddy Don to circle back around!

Blessings to all,

Mary Beth, Friend of Heaven


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